The main use of geosynthetics or geofabrics is ensured in any given geotechnical engineering work or application. Sometimes, design and construction of pavement on weak soil creates many of the problems due to its load bearing capacity because of high axle loads vehicles on expansive wet soil subgrades, now we have many techniques to modify the properties of such soil. In this study we can perform the California bearing ratio testing over woven and nonwoven geotextile combined between soft subgrade and unbound gravel in an unpaved flexible pavement system is carried out experimentally on CBR testing arrangement. In order to improve the results we can take the reinforcement ratio is obtained based on the CBR load which is penetration relation of both soft subgrade gravel and soft sugared geotextile gravel separately for woven and nonwoven geotextile. After performing the CBR strength test on soil we can check how much geotextiles required to cover the soil according to the bearing strength of soil shows that the performance is improved after including woven and nonwoven geotextile. The construction of roads over soft subgrade soil is a challenge for any engineer to reduce the cost and then using of geofibers effects the cost of construction and duration of highway projects due to this sometimes rescheduled the construction work in many regions where soft subgrades are common over a large area. The strength of the subgrade mostly expressed in terms of California bearing ratio CBR , which is the ratio of test load to standard loads at a specified penetration by a specified plunger.If we use Geosynthetics or Coir fiber as a main component used in highway construction then it is economical because additive layers like asphalt, concrete and cement concrete are not used and saves the cost of these materials. The soil samples used in CBR test were prepared with two types of soil which are Clayey and sandy contains reinforced and non reinforced soil. The samples has the composition of three types of geotextiles with different characteristics i.e. 150, 200, 300 g m2 and depths or heights i.e. 10, 20, 30,50, 100 mm and it can be grouped into two forms i.e. one layered and two layered based on the sample materials in order to requirement or perform defined tests. Using of geofibers increases the bearing load capacity of soils, we can use one layer of geotextile used in wet soils and sandy samples. From last few years geo synthetics have joined the list of traditional civil engineering construction materials. In this whole study strength characteristics were studied using the California bearing ratio CBR test method.
by Mahendra Kumar | Ajeet Singh "Performance Study on California Bearing Ratio Values using Geosynthetics"
Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-2 , February 2021,
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