International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development: Psychology

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Showing posts with label Psychology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Psychology. Show all posts

Friday, 6 August 2021

Attachment Security and Perceived Parental Psychological Control as Parameters of Social Value Orientation among Early Adolescents

August 06, 2021 0
Attachment Security and Perceived Parental Psychological Control as Parameters of Social Value Orientation among Early Adolescents

The study examined attachment security and perceived parental psychological control as parameters of social value orientation among early adolescents. Participants for the study were 210 early adolescents who volunteered from NnamdiAzikiwe University High Awka. Participants’ age ranged from 11 to 15 years, with mean age of 13.26 years and standard deviation of 1.34. Three instruments were deployed for data collection secure domain of the attachment style questionnaire SDASQ by Van Oudenhoven, Hofstra, and Bakker 2003 , adopted version of psychological control domain of the parental control scale developed by Barber 1996 and social value orientation SVO developed by Schwartz 1994 . The study adopted correlation design and statistics appropriate for data analysis were correlation and multiple regression analysis enter method. Hypothesis one was confirmed and result showed that attachment security significantly and positively predicted social value orientation at B = .73 , P . 001. Hypothesis two result was not confirmed at B = .06, p .05. Hence, attachment security is a significant predictor of social value orientation. It was recommended that parents, teachers and care givers should ensure that they establish low anxiety type of relationship with their new born children in order to enhance low anxiety and low avoidance as this will help them at early adolescents to withstand peer pressure of during early adolescent. 

by Nweke, Kingsley Onyibor | Dike Ibiwari Caroline | Dike, Adannia Amarachukwu | Umeaku Ndubuisi Nkemakonam "Attachment Security and Perceived Parental Psychological Control as Parameters of Social Value Orientation among Early Adolescents" 

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-4 , June 2021, 

URL: https://www.ijtsrd.compapers/ijtsrd42368.pdf 

Paper URL: https://www.ijtsrd.comhumanities-and-the-arts/psychology/42368/attachment-security-and-perceived-parental-psychological-control-as-parameters-of-social-value-orientation-among-early-adolescents/nweke-kingsley-onyibor

callforpapersocialscience, ugcapprovedjournalsforsocialscience, socialsciencejournal

Gouania Longipetala Aqueous Extract Exhibits Antiestrogen Activities and Activate Estrogen Receptors in Ovariectomized Wistar Rats

August 06, 2021 0
Gouania Longipetala Aqueous Extract Exhibits Antiestrogen Activities and Activate Estrogen Receptors in Ovariectomized Wistar Rats

Previous studies showed that G. longipetala aqueous extract GLAE induced estrogenic properties in ovariectomized Ovx rats. The present study aimed to assess antiestrogenic activities and signaling pathways of GLAE. For that, two pharmacological tests were used to evaluate GLAE effects in ovariectomized rats treated with estradiol valerate E2V and a pure antiestrogen ICI 182.780 . Animals were either sham operated or Ovx. 3 day uterotrophic assay was carried out in Ovx adult Wistar rats and GLAE effects were evaluated on the genital tract and mammary gland. Results showed that GLAE reduced significantly vaginotrophic and mammotrophic effects of estradiol valerate. Indeed, GLAE reduced by 68.72 and 62.66 respectively for 45 and 180 mg kg the vaginal epithelial height of E2V Ovx rats. Besides, ICI 182.780 cancelled estrogenic activities of GLAE in both genital tract and mammary gland. Overall, Gouania longipetala aqueous extract activates estrogen receptors to induce estrogen activities and exhibit antiestrogenic properties. 

Mengue Ngadena Yolande Sandrine | Dzeufiet Djomeni Paul Désiré "Gouania Longipetala Aqueous Extract Exhibits Antiestrogen Activities and Activate Estrogen Receptors in Ovariectomized Wistar Rats" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-5 , August 2021, 


Paper URL:

ugcapprovedmanagementjournal, openaccessjournalofmanagement, paperpublicationinmanagement

Saturday, 19 June 2021

Do Holland’s Personality Types RIASEC Predict Students’ Choice of Academic Programs in Cameroon’s State Universities

June 19, 2021 0
Do Holland’s Personality Types RIASEC Predict Students’ Choice of Academic Programs in Cameroon’s State Universities

 Students’ choice of major field of study in universities in Cameroon continues to be influenced by a variety of factors including personality factors, home and parental factors, socio economic factors, environmental factors, and cultural factors. This study was carried out to investigate whether Holland’s personality types RIASEC predict students’ choice of academic programs in Cameroon’s State Universities. The universities studied were the University of Bamenda and the University of Buea. The correlational survey design was used for this study to determine whether or not students’ personality typologies predicted their choice of major fields of study. The sample size for this study comprised 399 male and female second and fourth year students in the Universities of Buea and Bamenda. Out of the sample size of 369 students, 264 of them came from the University of Buea and 132 from the University of Bamenda. Out of 264 students sampled from the University of Buea, 90 were male and 174 were female while for University of Bamenda, 72 were male and 60 were female, giving a total male student respondent population of 162 and a total female student respondent population of 264. The sample was selected both purposively and randomly. Findings from the study revealed that 28.3 of the students actually changed their program of study to more congruent ones. Statistically, findings showed that students’ personality type significantly predict their choice of program Chi Square=1038.237, df=255, P=0.000, 0.05 with a high explanatory power of the model 93.3 Cox and Snell =0.933 . analysis showed that Realistic personality, Investigative personality, Artistic personality, Social personality, Enterprising personality and Conventional personality significantly influenced students’ choice of program with P values all 0.05. Therefore, the null hypothesis was rejected and the alternative hypothesis that states that Holland’s personality interest types significantly predict students’ choice of programs in Cameroon’s state universities was accepted. 

by Eyombo Marie Ndzenge | Ngoran Mathew Banlanjo "Do Holland’s Personality Types (RIASEC) Predict Students’ Choice of Academic Programs in Cameroon’s State Universities?" 

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-4 , June 2021, 

URL: https://www.ijtsrd.compapers/ijtsrd41163.pdf 

Paper URL: https://www.ijtsrd.comhumanities-and-the-arts/psychology/41163/do-holland’s-personality-types-riasec-predict-students’-choice-of-academic-programs-in-cameroon’s-state-universities/eyombo-marie-ndzenge

internationaljournalsofcomputerscience, callforpapercomputerscience, ugcapprovedjournalsforcomputerscience 

Friday, 18 June 2021

Attachment Security and Perceived Parental Psychological Control as Parameters of Social Value Orientation among Early Adolescents

June 18, 2021 0
Attachment Security and Perceived Parental Psychological Control as Parameters of Social Value Orientation among Early Adolescents

The study examined attachment security and perceived parental psychological control as parameters of social value orientation among early adolescents. Participants for the study were 210 early adolescents who volunteered from NnamdiAzikiwe University High Awka. Participants’ age ranged from 11 to 15 years, with mean age of 13.26 years and standard deviation of 1.34. Three instruments were deployed for data collection secure domain of the attachment style questionnaire SDASQ by Van Oudenhoven, Hofstra, and Bakker 2003 , adopted version of psychological control domain of the parental control scale developed by Barber 1996 and social value orientation SVO developed by Schwartz 1994 . The study adopted correlation design and statistics appropriate for data analysis were correlation and multiple regression analysis enter method. Hypothesis one was confirmed and result showed that attachment security significantly and positively predicted social value orientation at B = .73 , P . 001. Hypothesis two result was not confirmed at B = .06, p .05. Hence, attachment security is a significant predictor of social value orientation. It was recommended that parents, teachers and care givers should ensure that they establish low anxiety type of relationship with their new born children in order to enhance low anxiety and low avoidance as this will help them at early adolescents to withstand peer pressure of during early adolescent. 

by Nweke, Kingsley Onyibor | Dike Ibiwari Caroline | Dike, Adannia Amarachukwu | Umeaku Ndubuisi Nkemakonam "Attachment Security and Perceived Parental Psychological Control as Parameters of Social Value Orientation among Early Adolescents" 

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-4 , June 2021, 

URL: https://www.ijtsrd.compapers/ijtsrd42368.pdf 

Paper URL: https://www.ijtsrd.comhumanities-and-the-arts/psychology/42368/attachment-security-and-perceived-parental-psychological-control-as-parameters-of-social-value-orientation-among-early-adolescents/nweke-kingsley-onyibor

callforpapersocialscience, ugcapprovedjournalsforsocialscience, socialsciencejournal

Monday, 14 December 2020

The Pain as a Triggering Factor of Dental Anxiety

December 14, 2020 0
The Pain as a Triggering Factor of Dental Anxiety

The pain contains a special touch to each person. Of all our senses none captures our attention so well that pain. We can ignore the other senses, but it is very hard to ignore the pain. But with all the discomfort that it produces, we would be in danger if we did not feel the pain. Because of pain are training in the body, neurodegenerative and psychiatric global reactions. Psychologically, pain may be manifested by anxiety, fear, irritability, frustration, etc., each living the pain depending on individual variables perceptual, emotional, behavioral and cognitive. In Dental Medicine dealing with pain leads to avoidance of treatments needed, leading often to tooth loss, with serious consequences, both on the physical level through feeding difficulties and psychic level by reducing self esteem caused by an unsatisfactory aesthetic. An appropriate management of pain and anxiety can increase the therapeutic compliance and thus the quality of life through training and developing coping mechanisms effectiveness. 

by Liliana Neagu | Dr. Gabriela Iorgulescu "The Pain as a Triggering Factor of Dental Anxiety" 

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-1 , December 2020, 


Paper URL :

callforpaperlanguages, languagesjournal, bestjournal

Sunday, 18 October 2020

Emotional Intelligence and Achievement Motivation among College Students

October 18, 2020 0
Emotional Intelligence and Achievement Motivation among College Students

AIM Emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive emotions, to access and generate emotions so as to assist thought, to understand emotions and emotional knowledge, and to reflectively regulate emotions so as to promote emotional and intellectual growth Mayer andamp Salovey, 1997 .Achievement Motivation typically refers to the level of ones motivation to engage in achievement behavior based on such parameters as need for achievement, expectancy for success, and the incentive value of success Jackson, Ahmed and amp Heapy, 1976 . The present study is aimed to investigate emotional Intelligence and achievement motivation among college students. METHOD The study was done on 100 College students out of 50 males and 50 females were selected through purposive sampling technique. Emotional Intelligence quotient scale Dr Dalip singh Dr NK Chadha, 2003 and Ray’s Achievement Motivation scale John Ray, 1990 were used to collect data. Data were analyzed by using mean, S. D, independent sample t test, pearson product moment correlation RESULT Results of study showed that there is no significant difference in the level of Emotional Intelligence among college students across their gender. There is no significant difference in the Achievement motivation among college students based on their gender. There is no significant relationship between Emotional intelligence and Achievement motivation among college students. 

by Shibila Sabir | Sannet Thomas "Emotional Intelligence and Achievement Motivation among College Students" 

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-6 , October 2020, 


Paper Url:

callforpapereconomics, economicsjournal

Saturday, 26 September 2020

Parental Stress among Parents of Children with Autistic, Language Impairment and Normal Children

September 26, 2020 0
Parental Stress among Parents of Children with Autistic, Language Impairment and Normal Children

This research is a comparative study of stress between parents having normal children, and parents having children with autism, speech and hearing impairment. The study conducted was on parents of children between the age group of 4 to 15 years old and the age group of parent was 25 60. The study was conducted on 30 parents of children with autism and 30 parents of children with speech hearing impairment 30 parents with normal children. The parental stress scale by Judy O Berry and Warron H Jones was used for the study. The responses were scored according to the manual and the data was analyzed employing appropriate statistical methods using SPSS. The results show that parental stress was high on parents of children with autism than parents with normal children and speech hearing impairment children. Parents of children having autism scored highest mean 48.700 which shows autistic child’s parent experience more stress. The results indicate that parent’s age is a differentiator on parental stress among parents with normal children. The age group of parents with 25 35 got higher mean rank 20.11 than the other age groups 36 45 and 46 60 which shows that as the age increases stress levels decreases. 

by Dr. R Krishnan Bhatt | Dr. Kiran Babu N. C | Ms. Grace Rini Roy "Parental Stress among Parents of Children with Autistic, Language Impairment and Normal Children" 

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-6 , October 2020, 


Paper Url:

callforpaperlifesciences, lifesciencesjournal, researchpapers

Thursday, 27 August 2020

Anti Social Behavior, Prison Condition and the Development of Stable Personality by Minor Prisoners

August 27, 2020 0
Anti Social Behavior, Prison Condition and the Development of Stable Personality by Minor Prisoners

This study was based on antisocial behaviour, prison conditions and their influence on the development of a stable identity among child prisoners, in other to investigate this aspect, it lead to the formation of items to investigate aspects of prison conditions and how they influence the formation of a stable identity of child prisoners. This therefore led to the formation of the research question anti social behaviours and prison conditions influence the building of a stable identity of child prisoners. From these, five objectives were generated from the following indicators, overcrowded nature of prisons, health care service, physical and sexual abuse, solitary confinement, and social support. A sample of 40 was used for the study from two prisons in the south west region of Cameroon and the purposive sampling techniques was used to select the participants. The instrument used for the collection of data was a questionnaire which composed of a likert scale section and an open ended section. And for this study a survey design was used and data was analysed using descriptive statistic, mean estimation and thematic analysis. Using the percentages of statistical data, Findings revealed that the overcrowded prisons, physical and sexual abuse, solitary confinement, and social support could all negatively influence the formation of stable identity among child prisoners while health care service could not be link directly to a negative effects. 

by Lyonga Marlvin Njie | Joseph Lah Lo-ol "Anti-Social Behavior, Prison Condition and the Development of Stable Personality by Minor Prisoners" 

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-5 , August 2020, 


Paper Url :

callforpaperinternationaljournal, ugclistofjournals, bestinternationaljournal 

Tuesday, 25 August 2020

The Impact Parental Control on Emotional Regulation amongst Adolescents in Fako Division

August 25, 2020 0
The Impact Parental Control on Emotional Regulation amongst Adolescents in Fako Division

This paper examines the impact of parental control on emotional regulation amongst adolescents in Fako Division. Increasing parenting trends across the globe are taking new turns as it is becoming increasingly difficult for parents to bond with their folks and in turn build a rich social and emotional relationship amongst parents and children. Regulating emotions well is critical for promoting social and emotional health among children and adolescents. Parents play a prominent role in how children develop emotion regulation. The objects of the present research are to address the perception of parental control, emotional regulation and its challenges. In 2007, Morris et al. proposed a tripartite model suggesting that parents influence children’s emotion regulation through three mechanisms children’s observation of parents’ emotion regulation, emotion related parenting practices, and the emotional climate of the family. The study comprise a web based survey, analyses of literature, involving an excellent review of relevant articles in addition to deductive content analysis of the data generated and it equally examine some challenges of parental control on emotional regulation. In light of the data that have been collected there is a correlation between addressing parental control and adolescent’s emotional regulation. Further, the findings show that parental control has an impact on the emotional regulation of adolescents this thus influences their development and the quality of their emotional relationships.

by Elage Maurice Ekiti | Nnane Peter Ebontane | Dr. Bruno Bongwong "The Impact Parental Control on Emotional Regulation amongst Adolescents in Fako Division" 

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-5 , August 2020, 


Paper Url :

internationaljournalsofcomputerscience, callforpapercomputerscience, ugcapprovedjournalsforcomputerscience 

Friday, 24 July 2020

Relationship of Authoritarian Parenting with Self Esteem of Adolescents

July 24, 2020 0
Relationship of Authoritarian Parenting with Self Esteem of Adolescents

In families with excessive parental control is followed by extreme punitiveness and coldness, the adolescent child might rebel against parental standards explicitly. Self esteem can be defined as an individual’s attitude about him or herself, involving self evaluation along positive negative dimensions. The present study was conducted to find out the relationship between the authority parenting style with self esteem of adolescents. Rosenberg’s Self Esteem Scale, Parental Authority Questionnaire and Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale were used to collect data. Pearson’s product correlation and t test were used to find out the results. The correlation was found to be 0.54 and the t value was 2.70. Both the values are statistically significant, and hence it is concluded that the the self esteem is negatively correlated to authoritarian parenting styles, and adolescent females have significantly lower self esteem than their male counterparts. 

by Aastha Jain "Relationship of Authoritarian Parenting with Self Esteem of Adolescents" 

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-5 , August 2020, 


Paper Url :

internationaljournalofscience, openaccessjournalofscience, ugcapprovedjournalsforscience 

Thursday, 18 June 2020

Deconstructing the Conceptualization of Generational Cohorts

June 18, 2020 0
Deconstructing the Conceptualization of Generational Cohorts

The present time has witnessed a diverse and multi generational workforce which more often than not proves to be a source of stress and conflict for many individuals, ultimately resulting in counter productive behaviors at work. This problem became the thrusting force to understand diverse, multi generational surroundings for better communication, collaboration and coordination. However, the first challenge in doing so is to define and classify generational cohorts, which requires examination of factors that are temporal, historical, developmental, cultural, technological and political. Thus, the present study is an examination of different criteria for definition and classification of a generational cohort by different researchers, through studies done in different regions over time, to be able to come up with a more comprehensive set of conditions to look at while engaging with the subject of generational studies. To meet this objective Systematic Review of thirty research papers from reputed journals was done. Sixteen different categorizations of generational cohorts across samples from America, Europe and Asian nations were found which were further examined for the basis of their classification. Separate analysis was also done for each cohort for the total sample and the findings are discussed to understand the points of agreement and disagreement among different researchers on the basis of the classification. 

by Ms. Saumya Singh | Dr. Nidhi Prakash ""Deconstructing the Conceptualization of Generational Cohorts""

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-4 , June 2020,


Paper Url :

ugcapprovedjournalswithlowpublicationfees, conferenceissuepublication

Wednesday, 20 May 2020

Level of Cognitive and Somatic Anxiety on Badminton Competition

May 20, 2020 0
Level of Cognitive and Somatic Anxiety on Badminton Competition

Anxiety, as a negative emotional, affect perceptions in sport competitions, where a large majority of athletes consider anxiety to be debilitative towards performance, which may result in decreases in performance. The main purpose of this study was to examine the levels of anxiety of somatic and cognitive, before competition among badminton athletes. The instrument used for the study comprised of a 27 item Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2. The sample consisted of 41 athletes, with categories of national, state, district and university athletes. The result showed the athletes representing their university exhibited higher cognitive and somatic anxiety levels than those in state and district categories, whereas national athletes showed the lowest level of cognitive and somatic anxiety. Sport psychologists, sport counselors and coaches should use the present findings to recommend coping strategies to university and district level athletes that are appropriate for dealing with their athletes' cognitive and somatic a


BY Vincent Parnabas | Julinamary Parnabas | Antoinette Mary Parnabas "Level of Cognitive and Somatic Anxiety on Badminton Competition"

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-4 , June 2020,


Paper Url :

callforpapersocialscience, ugcapprovedjournalsforsocialscience, socialsciencejournal

Wednesday, 6 May 2020

A Review of Self Perceptions on Life Goals Achievements Implications on Self Development

May 06, 2020 0
A Review of Self Perceptions on Life Goals Achievements Implications on Self Development
The claim that positive self perceptions or self beliefs are key elements of a positive and healthy personality has put them firmly on the political agenda. The idea that positive selfesteem, in particular, immunises people against susceptibility to a multitude of social problems has become hugely fashionable. The Achievement of life goals are cognitive representations that guide behaviour to a competence related future end state. Existing theories and empirical findings suggest that life achievement goals are potentially related to life satisfaction. However, the relationship between life achievement goals and self development remains relatively unexplored in psychology literature. In this study, we examined how, why, and when achievement goals affect life satisfaction with implications to self development. The self related perceptions of an individual are of great importance in creating, sustaining, improving and achieving the life goals of any individual. These self - related perceptions include self concept, self efficacy, self - esteem, self image, and self - worth. Every individual irrespective of the race, gender, culture or academic level, has ambitions, aspirations as well as goals in life which he she aims or dreams to achieve. How to achieve these goals is based on every individual's self - perception, which determines his her attitude, resilience and above all motivation to stay focus on achieving that which they set out to. The aim of this article was to highlight the importance of these self related perceptions to every individual those with positive self - related perceptions will have a positive outcome in their thriving to achieve their goals and other life related ambitions and the reverse is true for those with negative self related perceptions. 

by N. Anthony Molesy ""A Review of Self-Perceptions on Life Goals Achievements: Implications on Self-Development""

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-4 , June 2020,


Paper Url :

callforpapermedicalscience, medicalsciencejournal

Wednesday, 18 March 2020

Job Burnout and Personality as Predictors of Workplace Deviance

March 18, 2020 0
Job Burnout and Personality as Predictors of Workplace Deviance

The study examined job burnout and personality as predictors of workplace deviance among staff of intafact beverages limited Onitsha. A total of 216 employees comprised of 142 males and 74 females aged ranged from 24 58 years with the mean age of 33.07 years were used in the study. Three sets of instrument were used for the study the big five inventory BFI Maslach Burnout Inventory MBI and measures of workplace deviance MDW . Two hypotheses were tested in the study, which found that job burnout had a significant negative relationship with workplace deviance at r = .172 at p 0.05. Also, the dimensions of personality traits were significantly negative openness to experience, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism while, conscientious was positively. This tends to show that both predictor variables are significant predictors of workplace deviance. Hence, the study recommends that organization should ensure good employer employee relationship because it’s only the negative effect that may result in workplace deviant behaviours. 

by Kwentoh Winifred N | Joe-Akunne, Chiamaka O | Anazor, Chinenye S ""Job Burnout and Personality as Predictors of Workplace Deviance""

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-3 , April 2020,


Paper Url :

callforpapersocialscience, ugcapprovedjournalsforsocialscience, socialsciencejournal

Friday, 17 January 2020

A Comparative Study of Self Esteem among 10th Class and 12th Class Students

January 17, 2020 0
A Comparative Study of Self Esteem among 10th Class and 12th Class Students

The purpose research attempted to study the Study of Self Esteem on Class, Gender and Area of Residence among 10th Class and 12th Class Students. Objectives 1 To Study of Self Esteem on Class, Gender and Area of Residence among 10th Class and 12th Class Students Hypotheses 1 There is no significant difference between 10th Class and 12th Class Students on Self Esteem. 2 There is no significant difference between Male and Female Students on Self Esteem. 3 There is no significant difference between Urban and Rural Students on Self Esteem. Methodology. Sample For the present study 100 samples was selected from Aurangabad district MS . A sample being 100 arts college students selected in this study, in each 50 male students 25 urban and 25rural student and 50 female students 25 urban and 25 rural students . Non Probability Quota Sampling was used. Research Design In the present study a balanced 2x2 factorial design will be used. Variables The independent variables are Gender, Area of Residence and Dependent variables are Self Esteem. Research Tools Ratters Locus of control scale by Anand kumar and srivastava. Statistical Treatment Mean, SD and 'F' values used. Conclusions 1 No significant difference between 10th Class and 12th Class students on Self Esteem. 2 Girls Students high self Esteem than Boys Students. 3 No significant difference between Urban and Rural Students on Self Esteem. 

by Sachin Vasant Sutar ""A Comparative Study of Self Esteem among 10th Class and 12th Class Students""

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-2 , February 2020,


Paper Url :

callforpaperchemistry, chemistryjournal, openaccessjournalofchemistry 

Thursday, 16 January 2020

A Comparative Study of Emotional Intelligence among B.A, B. Com and B. Sc. College Students

January 16, 2020 0
A Comparative Study of Emotional Intelligence among B.A, B. Com and B. Sc. College Students

Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify, understand, manage and use emotions in positive ways to relieve from stress, defuse conflict, communicate effectively, empathize with others and overcome challenges. The purpose research attempted to study the comparative Study of Emotional Intelligence among B.A, B. Com and B. Sc. College Students. Objectives 1 To examine the B.A, B. Com and B. Sc. College Students with Emotional Intelligence on dimension self awareness, Empathy, Emotional stability, self motive managing relations, Integrity, Self development. Value orientation, Commitment and Altruistic behavior. Hypotheses 1 There is no significant difference between B.A, B. Com and B. Sc. College Students Emotional Intelligence on dimension self awareness, Empathy, Emotional stability, self motive managing relations, Integrity, Self development. Value orientation, Commitment and Altruistic behavior. Methodology. Sample Total sample of present study 120, in which 40 were B.A. Students, 40 were B. Com. Students and 40 B.Sc. college students. Non Probability Quota Sampling was used. The subject selected in this sample was age group of 18 21 year. Research Design In the present study a balanced 3x2x2 factorial design will be used. Variables The independent variables are Faculty and Dependent variables are Emotional Intelligence. Research Tools Emotional Intelligence scale by Hyde, Pethe, Dhor and Dhar 2002 . Statistical Treatment Mean, SD and 'F' values used. Conclusions 1 B.Com. College Students High Self awareness than B.A. and B.Sc. College Students.2 No significant difference between B.A, B. Com and B. Sc. College Students on Empathy, Self Motivation, Managing Relations, Integrity, Commitment, Emotional Stability and Altruistic Behavior. 3 B.Sc. College Students High Self development, Value orientation and Emotional Intelligence than B.A. and B.Com College Students. 

by Aarti Ramkishan Chauhan ""A Comparative Study of Emotional Intelligence among B.A, B. Com and B. Sc. College Students""
Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-2 , February 2020,


Paper Url :

callforpapertechnology, technologyjournal

Tuesday, 24 December 2019

A Comparative Study of Emotional Intelligence among 12th College Collage Students

December 24, 2019 0
A Comparative Study of Emotional Intelligence among 12th College Collage Students

The purpose research attempted to study the comparative Study of Emotional Intelligence among 12th College Collage Students. To study by research seared independent variables of Area of Residence and dependent variables Emotional Intelligence and Sub Factor. This research Stratified random sampling method was used. The sample has 120, in which 60 were Urban Students 30 Male and 30 Female and 60 Rural Students 30 Male and 30 Female 12th Class college students. Stratified random sampling method was used. The subject selected in this sample was age group of 17 18 year. The scale was used for data collection Emotional Intelligence scale by Hyde, Pethe, Dhor and Dhar 2002 . 2 x 2 Factorial design was used and data were analysis by Mean, SD and -F' values. Results show that 1 there is no significant difference between Urban and Rural 12th College Collage Students on self awareness. 2 Rural 12th College Collage Students High Empathy than Urban 12th College Collage Students.3 Rural 12th College Collage Students High Self Motivation than Urban 12th College Collage Students.4 Rural 12th College Collage Students High Emotional stability than Urban 12th College Collage Students.5 There is no significant difference between Urban and Rural 12th College Collage Students on Managing Relations.6 There is no significant difference between Urban and Rural 12th College Collage Students on Integrity. 7 There is no significant difference between Urban and Rural 12th College Collage Students on Self development. 8 Rural 12th College Collage Students High Value orientation y than Urban 12th College Collage Students.9 Rural 12th College Collage Students High Commitment than Urban 12th College Collage Students. 10 Rural 12th College Collage Students High Altruistic Behavior than Urban 12th College Collage Students. 11 Rural 12th College Collage Students High Emotional Intelligence than Urban 12th College Collage Students. 

Aarti Ramkishan Chauhan "A Comparative Study of E
motional Intelligence among 12th College Collage Students"

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-1 , December 2019,


Paper URL:

arts journal, paper publication in management, call for paper life sciences

Thursday, 5 December 2019

Adversities that Disrupt Positive Development among Emerging Adult Students in Universities in Cameroon A conceptual review

December 05, 2019 0
Adversities that Disrupt Positive Development among Emerging Adult Students in Universities in Cameroon A conceptual review
Higher education is universally applauded as a means to empower young people with skills, knowledge, experiences and significant relationships which can enable them to play their roles successfully as leaders of tomorrow. Psychologically, one group of persons who are overwhelmingly concerned in the quest for further knowledge are emerging adults. Emerging adulthood is now a globally recognised period of human development as transition to adulthood is delayed based on issues such as young people getting married late, continuous efforts to acquire higher credentials so as to be better equipped for the labour market. As they transition from home to the university and to the world of work more so in the third decade of life, many challenges often stand on their way with the capacity of preventing them from progressing successfully and transitioning productively into adulthood. Notably academic palavers, financial hurdles, sudden independence and freedom from parental control, identity issues as well as socio political tensions commonly seen in developing societies like Cameroon abound. The foregoing constitutes a barrier that makes university studies unbearable to some emerging adults in universities. Developmental literature on this phase of life equally depicts a hopeless situation for young adults. Also, media reports, observations and stories or experiences from some parents and families as well as the society at large reveals increase fears and anxiety on the state and future of university students as leaders of tomorrow. With these, the prospects for positive development in later life stages like adulthood are slim with huge possibilities of floundering and discontinuity for some of them. This paper highlights some of the key issues that university students in Cameroon battle with as well as the environmental socio political trivialities that worsen the scenario. 

by Delbert Akom Afumbom ""Adversities that Disrupt Positive Development among Emerging Adult Students in Universities in Cameroon A conceptual review""

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-1 , December 2019,


Paper URL:

ugc approved journals for social science, management journal, paper publication for engineering

Friday, 18 October 2019

Suicide, A Dangerous Multidimensional Epidemic

October 18, 2019 0
Suicide, A Dangerous Multidimensional Epidemic

As, German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche said "the thought of suicide is a great consolation by means of it one gets through many a dark night", Suicide is the same going in the current scenario. Today, this epidemic cause of death of ending ones own life to get rid of society one own duties and hence makes a coward a press material. The thought of suicide is more killing than doing suicide itself, as a person dies more than hundred times thinking about it. Today's youth or the upcoming generation, where the so called modern lifestyle prevail has stopped thinking and doing work in a psychological manner of living it life more beautifully, instead choose the way of ending ones own life. It never matters to someone or the society how you were living or you die but when one attempts suicide then have to face the cruel society with hatredness and grief. Yes, but who forced one to take a bold step like this, or it was the only fault of the victim who faced it. A number of questions and a number of answers what a suicide victim faces, what was is his current mind needs to be discussed. What are the faults of the society, the victim, etc. all these answers begin with the modern lifestyle we are leading to. An American author Jeannette Walls said "when people kill themselves they think they are ending the pain, but all they're doing is passing it on to those they leave behind". Continuing with all these topics and combining all in one is the main theme of this paper with the therapeutic ways of treatment of suicide victims. The way suicide is hence prevailing in this time would change several genetic materials, genome and can cause suicide as a epigenetic disease at sometime in the coming era as diabetes in this scenario. 

by Dr. Sinchan Das | Mr. Priyankesh Mishra "Suicide, A Dangerous Multidimensional Epidemic"

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-6 , October 2019,


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ugc approved science journal, languages journal, research papers

Wednesday, 3 July 2019

Effects of Social Responsibility in the Production of Stress

July 03, 2019 0
Effects of Social Responsibility in the Production of Stress

India, the country of uniqueness, knowledge and purity. Literature on family studies in India has grown to a large extent in the last two decades, although such studies are scattered. This paper presents some untold truth on families in India aiming to provide bases for analyzing research, particularly in the area of family development. By observing the furious scenario of socio familial stress and violence, one can easily realize the need of this paper. Indian families are classified as patrilineal and matrilineal according to the lineage or descent by father or mother. The family structure is conceptualized as the configuration of role, power, and status and relationships in the family which depends upon the families socio economic background, family pattern, and extent of urbanization. Marriage practices are emphasized covering subjects such as marriage patterns, selection of marriage partner, age at marriage, age at consummation of marriage, marriage rituals, financial exchanges and divorce. In spite of urbanization and industrialization in the contemporary Indian society, the family institution continues to play a central role in the lives of people. There are many social practices, responsible for putting pressure on a person unnecessarily. This stress is a major contributing factor for a series of psychological disturbances, like Depression, Frustration, Suicidal tendency etc these in turn leads to several physical problems, like Diabetes mellitus, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, several Cardio vascular disturbances e.t.c. 

by Anupam Mandal | Dr. Sinchan Das ""Effects of Social Responsibility in the Production of Stress""

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-5 , August 2019,


Paper URL:

call for paper biological science, ugc approved journals for computer science, biological science journal
