From several decades, legislation of India has tried to control and regulate labour. For several decades in India, laws exist to regulate and control to child labour. The main concern of the legislation was to regulate working hours for children, to prescribe the lowest age limit for working of children, to ensure the life, health of the child workers, and to restrict the working of children in dangerous work. Child Labour legislations are which restrict the working of children below the age group of 14 years and 15 years in some of the prescribed occupations. In absence of provisions to resolve the problem and due to lack of political will, the number of child labour in total labour force of the Nation is keeping on increasing. Since, 1881, an oversized numbers of laws were enacted that gives the legal protection to the operating youngsters. The Child Pledging of Labour Act, 1933 followed by the Employment of Child Act, 1986. Various recommendations given by a series of Commissions and because of which Child Labour Prohibition and Regulation Act, 1986 enacted.
by Meenu "Legislative provision with Respect to Child Labour"
Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-3 , April 2019,
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