International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development: Geological Engineering

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Showing posts with label Geological Engineering. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Geological Engineering. Show all posts

Monday, 19 April 2021

The Results of the Final Engineering and Geological Studies of the Mass of Lyoss Grits

April 19, 2021 0
The Results of the Final Engineering and Geological Studies of the Mass of Lyoss Grits

The results of investigation of morphological, retrospective and prognoses engineering geological tasks concerning loess soils massifs are formulated. The main result of solution of retrospective engineering geological tasks is the proposal of hypothesizes and mechanisms of loess soils subsidence formation. They are the base for four special and general theory of subsidence formation.The result of solution of prognoses engineering geological tasks is the elaboration of methods for calculation the expected subsidence of loess soils massifs under different mode of their wetting and the development of different methods hydrogeomechanical, geochemical, geotechnical and complex of improvement of loess soils massifs properties. 

by J. Ravshanov "The Results of the Final Engineering and Geological Studies of the Mass of Lyoss Grits" 

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Special Issue | Innovative Development of Modern Research , April 2021, 


Paper URL :

internationaljournalofscience, openaccessjournalofscience, ugcapprovedjournalsforscience 

Tuesday, 10 March 2020

Low Bay Regional Geology and Surrounding District Nan Gedang District Sorolangon District Jambi Province and Andesit Resources Potential

March 10, 2020 0
Low Bay Regional Geology and Surrounding District Nan Gedang District Sorolangon District Jambi Province and Andesit Resources Potential

The results of previous researchers still disagree about the age and stratigraphic relationship of the Muara Enim Musper Formation 1937 , Marks 1956 interpreted middle Miocene age, while De Coster 1974 Saito, Saito 1985 interpreted middle Miocene Pliocene age. Detailed geomorphological discussions can be described and mapped based on the distinguishing characteristics. Geomorphological units of the study area can be grouped into 2 two geomorphological units based on the landscape formation genes proposed by Davis 1954 in Thornburry 1967 which include aspects of structure, process and status and then this principle is then elaborated by 19 Lobeck with a landscape classification natural. In the context of regional autonomy, the potential for minerals is one of the assets that needs to be utilized. To utilize the potential of mining excavation in the Ciwandan area and its surroundings, Ciwandan District, Cilegon Regency, Jambi Province. This activity needs to be carried out in advance research and study of its development prospects and be prepared in a concise, concise and systematic manner. In evaluating andesitic deposits in the study area, in relation to other uses, an analytical method is needed. This analysis method includes field observations, petrographic observations and physical rock observations. 

by Sahat Putra Martua | Bambang Sunarwan | Iit Adhitia Prihatna ""Low Bay Regional Geology and Surrounding District, Nan Gedang District, Sorolangon District, Jambi Province and Andesit Resources Potential""

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-3 , April 2020,


Paper Url :

internationaljournalsinengineering, callforpaperengineering, ugcapprovedengineeringjournal

Monday, 28 October 2019

Soil Stabilization by use of Chemical

October 28, 2019 0
Soil Stabilization by use of Chemical
This work presented to see the efficiency of nano technology used in terms of chemical named as Terrasil which acts as a modifier and improves the engineering properties of black cotton soil. In India, we see about 51.8 million hectors of land area is covered with black cotton soil which is an expansive soil. It is seen that black cotton soil is very hard when it is dry, and it loses its strength completely when it is wet. Expansive soils are problematic soils worldwide and create problems while constructing structures on it. To improve their properties various methods are adopted. These soils are removed completely or mixed with better quality material or mixed with various additives. This chemical called terrasil is tested by conducting various tests like Proctor test, free swelling test, etc. Soil samples are treated with different percentage of Terrasil 0.9 , 1.1 , and 1.3 . Terrasil gives improved results up to 40 increasing compressive strength of soil. It reduces the swelling property of soil from 60 to 42 . 

by Sheetal Nalbilwar "Soil Stabilization by use of Chemical"

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-6 , October 2019,


Paper URL:

technology journal, open access journal of engineering, peer reviewed journal

Friday, 19 July 2019

Geotechnical Investigation of upper Keng Tawng Dam

July 19, 2019 1
Geotechnical Investigation of upper Keng Tawng Dam

There are four different types of geological formation and group. In western part of the project area, calcitic nature of Upper Plateau Limestone is found nearby north south trending intra formational fault. About two third of the mapped area is consisted of red coloured sandstone, siltstone, marl and conglomerate of Kalaw Formation in age of cretaceous. In centre of the formation, permo carboniferous aged Plateau Limestone, triassic aged Natteik Limestone and jurassic aged Loi An Group are exposed as inliers. The two formations, Natteik Limestone and Plateau Limestone, are cross cut by northeast trending faults interpreted with aerial photo analysis of the area. The project area lies within the Kalaw Formation. Five main types of rock mass classes are identified according to CRIEPI. They are CH, Cl, CM, CH and D class. The Lugeon values at the Upper Keng Tawng dam site area are less than 5 lugeon after the grouting. The main purposes of Tawng dam regional development The project electricity 51 MW and average energy in annual is 267 MWh. 

by Man Deih Cing | Hla Myat Htwe ""Geotechnical Investigation of upper Keng Tawng Dam""

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-5 , August 2019,


Paper URL:

call for paper international journal, call for paper mathematics

Saturday, 11 May 2019

Soil Stabilization Using Waste Materials in Sri Lanka

May 11, 2019 0
Soil Stabilization Using Waste Materials in Sri Lanka
The uses of automobiles are increasing day by day because of that the waste of tyres increases in Sri Lanka. Safer disposal of rubber tyre waste has become a challenging job in Sri Lanka. As a result of the improper way of disposal, there is a great damage to eco system like air pollution and aesthetic pollution. So that use of their basic properties in engineering applications are become prominent. This investigation has focused on the CBR of soil reinforced with randomly mixed shredded rubber tyre chips and the results will be compared with unreinforced samples. The optimal percentage value of shredded rubber tyre content in soil will be determined using the Standard proctor compaction test and CBR test. Increases in CBR value significantly reduce the total thickness of the pavement and hence the total cost involved in the road projects. 

By H. L. S Sathik | D. De S. Udakara "Soil Stabilization Using Waste Materials in Sri Lanka"

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-4 , June 2019,


Paper URL:

call for paper international journalcall for papercall for paper engineering
