International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development: Animal science

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Showing posts with label Animal science. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Animal science. Show all posts

Saturday, 18 September 2021

Evaluation of Set Yoghurt Quality Enhanced With Selected Indigenous Fruits

September 18, 2021 0
Evaluation of Set Yoghurt Quality Enhanced With Selected Indigenous Fruits

A study was conducted to evaluate the quality of yoghurt produced from cow's milk and some tropical fruits such as lemon, grape, pawpaw, orange and synthetic pineapple as flavourants. The milk 18L was clarified, homogenised, pasteurized at 800C for 3minutes and then cooled to 420C and inoculated. The inoculated milk was divided into six treatments reconstituted synthetic pineapple flavour, fruit juices grape, lemon, orange, pawpaw and plain. The flavourants were added at 200 ml litre of the inoculated milk. Each yoghurt was replicated thrice and incubated for 14hrs at 430C. Product was then refrigerated for 14days and the physico chemical and rheological qualities of the samples were analyzed and determined at different storage days 1, 7 and 14 . The completely randomized design in a 4x3 factorial arrangement was adopted. The results obtained showed that water holding capacity WHC was highest 42.69 at the 7th day, highest viscosity 68144.28mPa s and syneresis 38.58 were recorded at day 1. Treatment effect revealed that grape yoghurt had the highest WHC 46.21 , viscosity 97053.89 mPa s and least syneresis 11.87 . Treatment and storage effects showed that grape yoghurt at day 7 had the highest 52.17 WHC, viscosity 98540.33mPas at day 1and least syneresis 0.23 at day 14. The highest moisture 85.11 , ash 1.52 , fat 2.43 , protein 7.90 and carbohydrate 11.86 contents were observed in orange, lemon, plain, orange and grape yoghurts respectively. The pH, lactic acid, vitamin C, cholesterol values decreased as storage days increased. Orange yoghurt had higher concentration of Lactic acid and vitamin C concentrations. At days 7 and 14 of storage, the synthetic pineapple flavoured yoghurt was most acceptable. Conclusively, the nutritional qualities of yoghurt could be enhanced using tropical fruits, however, yoghurt should not be stored beyond 7days in order to sustain the nutrient value. 

by Ibhaze, Gladys Abiemwense | Akinbanjo, Daniel Taye | Jacob, Grace Temitayo "Evaluation of Set Yoghurt Quality Enhanced With Selected Indigenous Fruits" 

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-6 , October 2021, 


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internationaljournalsinengineering, callforpaperengineering, ugcapprovedengineeringjournal  

Friday, 19 February 2021

Dystocia Due to Multiple Craniofacial Fetal Anomalies in Nilotic Zebu Cattle and the Attached Traditional Beliefs A Case Report

February 19, 2021 0
Dystocia Due to Multiple Craniofacial Fetal Anomalies in Nilotic Zebu Cattle and the Attached Traditional Beliefs A Case Report

This case report paper highlights on foetal calf anomaly observed for the first time in Nilotic Zebu cattle as well as the traditional beliefs of Nilotic pastoralists attached to such anomaly. Abull calf foetus extracted via caesarean operation, sustained complex of congenital abnormalities. Of which both central nervous system and craniofacial structures not easily classified and traced to a single specific condition. The gross craniofacial abnormalities suggest agnathia, fissured head extending from cranial to caudal, hydrocephalic head, anophthalmia, single microphthalmia lateralis without eyelid, single erected ear loop, a deep fissure almost halving the skull to the exposed maxillary and mandibular bones, absence of lips, and anodontia. Chicken was sacrificed by a traditional diviner meaning to drive away diseases and prevent recurrence of similar case in the herd and the related family members. Such cases can be easily attended to. Given the current status of veterinary practice in the country, but the deeply anchored traditional beliefs attached to livestock may hamper or burry such cases in favour of the traditional diviner with an untoward outcome thus contributing to loss of potential genetic resources. Adoption of vibrant sustainable extension policies is recommended to loosen such firmly anchored beliefs attached to livestock by pastoralist communities of South Sudan. 

by Ambrose S. Jubara | Erneo B. Ochi | Anthony J. Deng | Lewis K. Jaja "Dystocia Due to Multiple Craniofacial Fetal Anomalies in Nilotic Zebu Cattle and the Attached Traditional Beliefs: A Case Report" 

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-2 , February 2021, 


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callforpaperlanguages, languagesjournal, bestjournal

Monday, 1 July 2019

Enrichment of Omega 3 Fatty Acids using Urea Complexation Method to Enhance the Nutritive Value of Stingray Fish Dasyatis Sephen F. Liver Oil

July 01, 2019 0
Enrichment of Omega 3 Fatty Acids using Urea Complexation Method to Enhance the Nutritive Value of Stingray Fish Dasyatis Sephen F. Liver Oil

Lipid fraction extracted from tissues of oily fish and fishery by products are one of the best source of omega 3 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids PUFAs , mainly eicosapentaenoic acid EPA and docosahexaenoic acid DHA . Method of oil extraction from the Dasyatis sephen liver is simple and cheap. Therefore, the present study was conducted to extract and enrich the Omega 3 fatty acids from Dasyatis sephen liver which is discarded during dry fish production. Bligh and Dyer's method was used to extract oil. Fatty acids profiles were determined by Gas Liquid Chromatography method GLC . Average liver lipid recovery was 69.54 w w . Crude liver oil fatty acid profile of DHA and EPA was 0.5 and 0.6 , respectively. Urea complexation was done to enrich the extracted Omega 3 fatty acids. Physio chemical properties such as moisture content, color, specific gravity, peroxide value, and fatty acid compositions were obtained under the tolerable standard. The level of DHA 22 6n 3 and EPA 20 5n 3 in the enriched Dasyatis sephen oil were 9.7 and 8.7 , respectively. It could be concluded that the converting of Ray fish by product into enriched oil is an opportunity of adding value to the fish by product and could be suitable for applications in pharmaceutical and nutraceutical industries. 

by Duglas Sathees | Vidanarachchi J. K | Himali S. M. C ""Enrichment of Omega-3 Fatty Acids using Urea Complexation Method to Enhance the Nutritive Value of Stingray Fish (Dasyatis Sephen F.) Liver Oil""

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-5 , August 2019,


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economics journal, best international journal

Saturday, 14 July 2018

Piscicide Effects of Mahua Oil Cake from the Finfish Culture System

July 14, 2018 0
Piscicide Effects of Mahua Oil Cake from the Finfish Culture System

The present investigation envisage a study of the effects of pesticides on four fin fishes Oreochromis mossambicus from mahua oil cake, a derived from the plant Madhuca longi folia seed. Although some reports on the effects of mahua oil cake on fin fishes and Madhuca seed on fresh water pond culture systems are available, information on their effect on brackish water culture systems are rather scanty. 

Fishes along with the shrimps were taken at 10, 20, 30 ppt salinity and mahua oil cake (MOC) was applied at 10, 15, 20 ppm concentrations to see the mortality timings of the fishes. Phyisco-chemical parameters and LC50 concentration were recorded in the study. Lethal concentration (LC50) was recorded for the species Elops machnata the concentration was found to be 5ppm. There was no variation in the temperature, although the pH and DO levels were affected by the application of MOC. 

By R. Vinothkumar | Rupam Dey | Dr. M. Srinivasan" Piscicide Effects of Mahua Oil Cake from the Finfish Culture System" 

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-2 | Issue-5 , August 2018,

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international journal of science, call for paper science, paper publication in science

Friday, 13 April 2018

Studies on Earthworm Population and Diversity with Special Reference to Physicochemical Parameters in Two Different Habitats

April 13, 2018 0
Studies on Earthworm Population and Diversity with Special Reference to Physicochemical Parameters in Two Different Habitats

Biodiversity is vital to several important ecosystem services that ensure sustainability of food production. In organic agriculture, land management practices that promote biodiversity and soil quality are emphasized and the goal is to maintain a sustainable agriculture system. 

Earthworms are major components of the soil fauna in a wide variety of soils and climates are involved directly or indirectly in biodegradation, stabilization through humus formation, and various soil processes. Earthworm are important components of agro ecosystem soils, since they contribute to soil physical- chemical properties and processes, and can substantially modify the biodiversity and function of soil communities. 

by R. Devi | Serfoji. P. "Studies on Earthworm Population and Diversity with Special Reference to Physicochemical Parameters in Two Different Habitats" 

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-2 | Issue-3 , April 2018, 


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indexed journal, peer reviewed international journal, arts journal

Sunday, 7 January 2018

Hematological qualities induced by Methanolic Leaf Extract of Allium ampeloprasum in white mice

January 07, 2018 0
Hematological qualities induced by Methanolic Leaf Extract of Allium ampeloprasum in white mice
Blood disorder has become a common problem for many people. Some medicinal plants are believed to promote positive health and maintain organic resistance against infection. The use of readily available medicinal plants, which can be said to be effective, will provide a better and affordable alternative to promoting and strengthening health.

Evaluation of blood parameters can be used to determine the extent of the harmful effect of foreign compounds including plant extracts on blood components of white mice. Various chemical constituents of Allium ampeloprasum are believed to possess therapeutic effects on hematological parameters.

However, these results have not been subject to systematic studies to substantiate the therapeutic claims made about clinical the benefit. This study designed to investigate Allium Hematological Allium ampeloprasum (Wild Leek) in white mice.

This study was treated with leaf extracts at the concentration of 50 mg/kg and 100 mg/kg orally once per 2 days for 14 days. Blood parameters were determined using standard protocols of untested blood samples, and standard procedures were used to evaluate different types of phytochemical tests.

The leaf extract of Allium ampeloprasum (Wild Leek) induced changes in erythrocytes, and detailed parameter profiles, total and white blood cell (WBC counts, platelets and their related parameters in white mice at the two tested dose levels of 50 mg/kg bw and 100 mg/kg bw. Further, the phytochemical screening results showed that the leaf extract of Allium ampeloprasum has phytochemicals associated with the erythropoietin promoting activity, immune stimulatory activities, and thrombopoietin stimulation.

by Azhar Shya Y. Albusasy "Hematological qualities induced by Methanolic Leaf Extract of Allium ampeloprasum in white mice"

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-2 | Issue-2 , February 2018,


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Animal science, International Journal

Saturday, 6 January 2018

Antioxidant Activity of astaxanthin isolated from Charybdis Edwardsii (Leene and Buitendijk ,1949) from Pazhayar, Southeast Coast of India

January 06, 2018 0
Antioxidant Activity of astaxanthin isolated from Charybdis Edwardsii (Leene and Buitendijk ,1949) from Pazhayar, Southeast Coast of India
Astaxanthin extracted from Red Crab Charybdis edwardsii was assayed for antioxidant activity viz., total antioxidant, reducing power, hydrogen peroxide radical scavenging assay, and DPPH free radicals scavenging activity. Final concentration of astaxanthin was quantified to be 49.05 µgg using the standard astaxanthin.

The antioxidant activity was found to be 60%, hydrogen peroxide scavenging activity showed 89% inhibition, whereas 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazl (DPPH) activity showed 86% of scavenging activity. Present investigation proves that the astaxanthin from C. edwardsii acts as a promising antioxidant source, which can be used in food, pharmacological and aquaculture sectors

By Anandakumar Arunkumar | Gnanakkan Ananthan | Rajaram Murugan"Antioxidant Activity of astaxanthin isolated from Charybdis Edwardsii (Leene and Buitendijk ,1949) from Pazhayar, Southeast Coast of India"

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-2 | Issue-5 , August 2018,

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