International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development: Sanskrit

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Showing posts with label Sanskrit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sanskrit. Show all posts

Monday, 6 September 2021

The Amazing Secrets of Marriage in Manusmrti

September 06, 2021 0
The Amazing Secrets of Marriage in Manusmrti
The Manusm ti has gained a prominent place in Sanskrit Literature. It occupies the reverence as second g Veda and a work of Universal Authority. It is a storehouse filled with much other information about the social, cultural, political and religious features of ancient Indians and which are the essentials of Hinduism. 
by Dr. Nilachal Mishra "The Amazing Secrets of Marriage in Manusmrti" 

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-6 , October 2021, 

Tuesday, 13 July 2021

Catastrophic Vibrancy of Covid 19 A Distressed Scenario of Indian Higher Education System

July 13, 2021 0
Catastrophic Vibrancy of Covid 19 A Distressed Scenario of Indian Higher Education System

Covid 19 is an anathema for the whole world in 21stcentury and the whole world are facing now the malignant deeds of it. Someone lost his her family member, someone his her job by the destructive vibration of Covid 19. A distressed scenario situated in a family, society or in the nation. A nation build up by the education but today every education platforms are highly affected by the Covid 19, that’s why the education system going through online manner. Yeah it’s true that the online manners, time saving and easily accessible, lots of students are using technology that’s good but for the applied study it’s very challenging, for the scriptural study lots of challenges are facing by the educator due to the Covid 19, and most importantly lab based education are highly affected by the Covid 19, that’s why many research also stopped during this pandemic. Sometimes it may feel that online is best way but it’s very difficult for rural educator because the network capacity isn’t Okay allover India. Actually the higher education system are distressed in the impact of Covid 19. 

by Tirtha Halder "Catastrophic Vibrancy of Covid-19: A Distressed Scenario of Indian Higher Education System" 

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-4 , June 2021, 

URL: https://www.ijtsrd.compapers/ijtsrd42597.pdf 

Paper URL: https://www.ijtsrd.comhumanities-and-the-arts/sanskrit/42597/catastrophic-vibrancy-of-covid19-a-distressed-scenario-of-indian-higher-education-system/tirtha-halder

openaccessjournalofengineering, engineeringjournal, paperpublicationforengineering

Friday, 18 June 2021

Concept of Chemical Science in Vedic Literature

June 18, 2021 0
Concept of Chemical Science in Vedic Literature

The whole Sanskrit Literature is enriched with different sources of knowledge from the beginning itself. Moreover the Vedic literature is something different from the classical literature which stands to prove the origin and development of science and technology of the then period. In this paper an effort has made to highlight the concept of Chemical science as reflected in Vedic literature 

by Dr. Debajyoti Jena "Concept of Chemical Science in Vedic Literature" 

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-4 , June 2021, 

URL: https://www.ijtsrd.compapers/ijtsrd41144.pdf 

Paper URL: https://www.ijtsrd.comhumanities-and-the-arts/sanskrit/41144/concept-of-chemical-science-in-vedic-literature/dr-debajyoti-jena

ugcjournallist, listofugcapprovedjournals, researchpublication

Thursday, 18 February 2021

The Comparison between the Modern Science of Plants and Kalidasa’s Plants

February 18, 2021 0
The Comparison between the Modern Science of Plants and Kalidasa’s Plants

According to ancient Indian seers plants are living beings. Only the conscience is internal or dormant. However, the ancient scholars of India studied the plants mainly for the medicinal purposes. Starting from Rgveda to modern age of 21st century plants have been analysed from the point of view of the taxonomy, classification and usage. As the names of plants mentioned in the ancient scriptures, are recorded mostly in the sonnets or verses. In modern days plants are studied from the angle of the importance and nature of plants products. The living substance in the plants is called protoplasm, through which the various characteristics of plants are registered. The plants manufacture their colouring agent itself. These are called pigments. plants also have Latex which is the juice of the plants. Plants are classified as Angiosperm and Gymnosperm. That group of plant is called angiosperm whose flowers hold the reproductive parts of the plants. The smallest flower in the family of angiosperm is Lemna. If the plant has one seed leaf it is called Monocots otherwise the two or more seed leaf plant is called Dicots The plants mentioned in Sanskrit works are also the subjects of modern science. The only difference being the botanical name of the plant along with the specie mentioned in the books of science. The tree Asoka is called Asoka in English and Saraca Asoca in Botany. It is a tall tree with flowers of red and orange colour and nice fragrance. Kalidasa very aptly mentions the special treatment for blossoming of flowers on the tree. De candolle in 1883 divided in plants, into six groups where Mango is said to be cultivated for over 4000 years. Mango is called Mangifera Indica. In Botany. Kalidasa also mentions the different varieties of Mango. Amra, Sahakara, Chuta Candana is Santalum Album, as it known in Botany. The sandal wood oil. The oil is used in the oriental countries as Perfume as well as medicine. It In Kalidasa’s works the paste of wood is used as a body ointment to get ritz of the sunheat Sugarcane in English, is known as SACCHARUM OFFICINARUM. According to the poet also the sugarcane becomes readily for consumption in the winter. It is sweet and is used for making jaggery. Among the varieties ‘Saliksu’ in the best one. It gives deep shade. Jambu is known as Jambolan or Java plum and Indian black berry in English whereas the botanical name is SYZYGIUM CUMNII. Kalidasa says the medicinal potentialities of the leaves whose sap diluted in water can cure the after effect of vomiting. 

by Dr. Prahallad Debta "The Comparison between the Modern Science of Plants and Kalidasa’s Plants" 

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-2 , February 2021, 


Paper Url:’s-plants/dr-prahallad-debta

callforpaperpapersconference, highimpactfactor, manuscriptpublication

Wednesday, 17 February 2021

Existence of Brahman According to Taittiriya Upanisad

February 17, 2021 0
Existence of Brahman According to Taittiriya Upanisad

According to Vedantins, Brahman is the only real entity. Brahman is of the nature of existence, awareness and fullness. The World is apparently true. But before the truth of Brahman can be ascertained, Its existence must be proved because the real nature of Brahman that has been known as merely existing, becomes favorable for self revelation. Although the self manifestation of Brahman is famous, this article presents the proof of the existence of Brahman for calming the minds of those who love to present reason in every deeds. Therefore, there are four proofs in Taittiriya Upani ad for proving the existence of Brahman suk tatva self creator , rasatva source of happiness , pra anadi kriya darsana the act of breathing , bhayabhayahetutva the cause of fear and fearlessness . 

by Avi Pal "Existence of Brahman: According to Taittiriya Upanisad" 

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-2 , February 2021, 


Paper Url:

callforpapermedicalscience, medicalsciencejournal

Thursday, 4 February 2021

Social Service in Puranas

February 04, 2021 0
Social Service in Puranas

While Vedas glorify the nature of Atma and its ways for realization it is said to be somewhat personal. Attaining liberation from the cycle of births and deaths may be the fixed goal of a few specific souls. Vedas are not easily accessible to all due to its having a tough and terse style and dealing with super natural aspects. But puranas are simple in their style and readable to all. They are easily understandable as they are in easy Anushtup metre. They concentrate on making the theme understandable to all by their stories and narrative styles.Without making this world a better place, by pleasing all around us, in all possible ways, one cannot simply think of reaching heaven or liberation. Social services are the basic duties of every human being. By the passing over of time and leisured life style of today, men are being trapped in luxuries. Rather than living for one self, they try to show case their status in the society. The mankind forgets the goal of the world welfare. Vedas and puranas make it more clear to follow the path of social service as a binding duty of the human being. 

by Dr. N. Venkatesha Rao "Social Service in Puranas" 

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-2 , February 2021, 


Paper Url:

ugclistedjournals, indexedjournal, paperpublication

Monday, 5 October 2020

Psychological Suktas in Veda

October 05, 2020 0
Psychological Suktas in Veda

The Indian tradition of thousands of years has revered the Vedas as the utterance of revealed knowledge connoting highest spiritual truth which the human mind is capable to receive. The Vedic Mantras found in the Samhita are psychological symbols full of imageries underlying some spiritual import. The often discussed three hymns such as Mana avartana sukta RV 10.58 , Sivasamkalpa sukta YV 34 , Sraddha Sukta RV 20.151 and so many others, which are expressly devoted to analyze mind and its problems. This paper aims at analyzing three such Suktas in the light of modern Psychology. The hymns of the Vedas have dealt with the understanding of the mental processes. 

by Deeptiprava Nayak "Psychological Suktas in Veda" 

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-6 , October 2020, 


Paper Url:

callforpapereconomics, economicsjournal

Sri Rama is Purusottama and a Real Hero of Ramayana

October 05, 2020 0
Sri Rama is Purusottama and a Real Hero of Ramayana

If there is any holy book of India which is spontaneously inspired the life of every Hindus, It is undoubtedly said the Ramaya a of Valmiki. The sage Valmiki is called the celebrated author of the great epic, the Ramaya a. He is the earliest saint whose Ashrama was visited by Srirama through the forest after leaving his Kingdom Ayodhya. He sheltered Sita when Srirama banished her. The story of the origin of the Ramaya a is found at first when the epic starts. And once the sage Narada reached the hermitage of Valmiki and who gave him honor and courtesies, and Narada told him the story of Srirama in a brief. The text which is available to us and it contains the verses about 24000, and divided into Seven Ka as, and each Ka a is divided into Chapters or Sargas. The entire work is almost written in Anu up Metre and the bigger meters like Indravajra and Upendravajra. The present paper highlights the character of Srirama and how the noble qualities have reflected in this great Scripture and also how he is known to all as Maryada Puru ottamama and a real hero. 

by Dr. Nilachal Mishra "Sri« Rama is Purusottama and a Real Hero of Ramayana" 

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-6 , October 2020, 


Paper Url:

internationaljournalsofcomputerscience, callforpapercomputerscience, ugcapprovedjournalsforcomputerscience 

Description of Spirituality in Vivekacudamani

October 05, 2020 0
Description of Spirituality in Vivekacudamani

Human life was crude in primitive times. With the gradual development of technology man began to control external nature, due to which civilizations developed in various parts of the world, giving him physical comforts and a modicum of security. Today’s modern man has achieved a fairly good degree of control over the external nature and its energies. Vedanta asks him to go one step ahead, there is an internal nature, which needs discipline and control. That is the subject matter of the science of spirituality. Physical science attempts to control the external nature, spirituality deals with internal. Both are essential for the human development and fulfillment. Every civilized and cultured life needs the regulation of sensory impulses. That is what constitutional laws and regulations aim at. When we put moral and ethical teachings into practice, we manifest our higher dimension. We develop concern for other people and grow in ethical awareness, which is known as Dharma in Sanskrit. If we carry this development further we reach the higher levels of spirituality. It is very much special and privilege takes the birth of a human being. The former makes for material development and the latter bestows on us spiritual freedom. Here we see both Vedanta and modern science speak of the uniqueness of man among all other creatures. Non human species have only experience of pleasure and pain. Man also has experience of pleasure and pain, but in addition to this, he has knowledge knowledge of the world outside and self knowledge, secular as well as spiritual knowledge. Having obtained, at the end of many births, this human form which is difficult to obtain, and though perishable, capable of conferring on man, in this very life, the highest spiritual freedom, the wise man should strive earnestly, before death overtakes him, for spiritual freedom, which is his highest excellence. Sensual delights can be had in all other bodies. 

by Dr. Nagalakshmi. S "Description of Spirituality in Vivekacudamani" 

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-6 , October 2020, 


Paper Url:

callforpaperpapersconference, highimpactfactor, manuscriptpublication

Friday, 4 September 2020

Importance of Charity in Scriptures

September 04, 2020 0
Importance of Charity in Scriptures

In our daily life we work, eat, drink, rest and sleep without fail.We need to be alive, and breathing inhaling and exhaling to achieve all these. That means inhaling and exhaling. It is just a process of letting out the breath and taking it back. Can we not understand that Life energy rests in taking and giving. When we inhale, there is no full retention but a part has to be released out and in turn becomes useful for other creatures. This implies the need for sharing a portion of whatever we have benefitted by way of charity.If one does not give up the air he has taken, he cannot breath.Charity is an act of giving to entitle ourselves to enjoy a commodity like Prana. In the same way, without charity man is not entitled to live. So charity is an essential part of life. Donating to the causes we care about, not only benefits the receiving person, but also deeply rewards us by giving a positive effect on our lives. Giving to charity makes us feel good. The knowledge that we are helping others is highly empowering and makes us feel happy as well as fulfilled.Researchers have identified a link between, making a donation to charity and increased activity in the area of the brain that registers pleasure. Blessed with the power to improve the lives of others is, to many people, an opportunity and one that comes with its own sense of obligation. Living with these powerful feelings of responsibility, is a great way to reinforce our personal values and feel in a way true to our own ethical beliefs. Sharing the experiences of charity with our children shows them, right from their young age that they can make positive changes in the world. So nurturing their innate generosity is likely to mean that they grow up with a greater appreciation of what they have and will carry on supporting the charity in the years to come. Giving charity encourages friends and family to emulate the same. Scriptures have presented the great personalities in front of us to inspire us in many ways.Our purpose of study is to have a look at them and practice such values to elevate ourselves with a bit of improving the society. Scriptures have defined various Charities and the need to do them and provided the proportion to be followed and its benefits. Probably we practice charity with the objective of gaining tax benefits we get from them. But studies of scriptures make us to look beyond all these and to achieve higher standards. They have instructed us to do charity not on occasional basis, but regularly.So re collecting the importance and the instances of charity, its need, the right perspectives of charity, and proportion of charity which one should do, is the central theme of our study. 

by Dr. N. Venkatesha Rao "Importance of Charity in Scriptures" 

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-6 , October 2020, 


Paper Url:

callforpapertechnology, technologyjournal

Wednesday, 12 August 2020

Content to Develop the Love of Malati and Madhav

August 12, 2020 0
Content to Develop the Love of Malati and Madhav

Love is the main theme of Sanskrit literature like any other literature in the world. Love is the traditional feeling of the human heart. Vaas Kalidasa playwrights have become popular in Sanskrit literature by expressing pleasant forms of love. They are all primarily influenced by the Kama Sutra and are skilled at drawing the consequences of love. Because life never stops in the midst of a barrier. Life is always moving in its direction. And the hero heroines love and discipline is not bound by any rules. Many thinkers in the East and in the West have talked about love. For example in ‘Rasaratnakara’ ‘ ’ , Love is ‘ . There are two aspects of love separation and orgasm i.e. separation and reunion. That is why it is said that love cannot have consequences without separation. 

by Madhav and Malati are the protagonists of the Maltimadhab variant composed by Bhavabhuti. The love of the hero heroine also seems to be influenced by Kamashastra. Because Batsyayan says in the description of different stages of love Subrata Kumar Manna "Content to Develop the Love of Malati and Madhav" 

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-5 , August 2020, 


Paper Url :


Friday, 12 June 2020

Equality oriented Pakism

June 12, 2020 0
Equality oriented Pakism
Equality oriented Pakism. Materialist philosophy, like the philosophy of justice, is also a materialist philosophy. The purpose of both philosophies is one and that is the liberation of the living soul. In these two types of philosophy, almost the same views have been held about Jivatma, Paramatma, Jagat, Moksha, Marga. So the philosophy of justice and specialism is the philosophy of equality. The two philosophies of equality are not one. However, there is a greater sense of mutual understanding between the two. Again, there are similarities and differences between the two philosophies. As false philosophy is the root of sorrow by acknowledging both the philosophies of justice. The cessation of this extreme sorrow is possible only by theory. This extreme cessation of sorrow is called emancipation. So both philosophies are materialistic and many plaintiffs. However, only the differences between the two philosophies are observed justice is direct, conjecture, analogy, and word these four proofs are accepted. But speculative philosophy accepts only direct and conjectural. According to them, analogy and words belong to conjecture. In addition, in terms of material theory, there are sixteen substances according to justice, and the singularists accept seven substances. In fairness, matter is a matter of discussion. But according to the specific, matter is a matter of knowledge. The logicians are known as who accept Pak in form and the Baisakshika who accept Pak in atoms are known as Therefore the knowledge of the philosophy of justice is theoretical and the philosophical philosophy is metaphysical. However, although both types of philosophy are equal, they believe in Pak process or Pakism. So the is the Vaisheshika and the is the logicians. 

by Subrata Kumar Manna ""Equality-oriented Pakism""

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-4 , June 2020,


Paper Url :

ugcapprovedmanagementjournal, openaccessjournalofmanagement, paperpublicationinmanagement

Tuesday, 2 June 2020

The Sun and the Medical Science Described in the Veda

June 02, 2020 0
The Sun and the Medical Science Described in the Veda
The Sun is the greatest power of nature and the main foundation of the world and the life. That is why since ancient times there has been immense reverence for the Sun in the heart of man. The Vedic people have praised the Sun god in the entire five hymns of the ksa hita. Along with other deities, the Sun god praised jointly in many hymns and the mantras. According to the Rgveda Surya is the deity who illuminates the world. So, in praise of the Sun god, the physical sun has its characteristics. In the celestial region the main god is Surya. Pu a, Mitra, Savita - these three gods are also described in solar deities. According to Vedic sages, the name of the Sun's nurturing power is Pu a, the name of the protector is Mitra, the name of the person who gives power and inspiration is Savita. Vedas are the representative texts of the science of knowledge in the world. In them, the sublime knowledge of our forefathers and sages is safe, which is the result of their long term experience and experiments. If all round and analytical study of Vedic tradition is done, it is known that there is a well organized collection of all physical and spiritual knowledge disciplines. In this paper, a humble attempt has been made to throw light on the topic ""Sun and Medical science described in the Veda."" 

by Sanjoy Das ""The Sun and the Medical Science Described in the Veda""

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-4 , June 2020,


Paper Url :

callforpaperpapersinjournals, multidisciplinaryjournal

Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Perspectives of Nature and Environment in Dharmaśāstra Tradition

April 08, 2020 0
Perspectives of Nature and Environment in Dharmaśāstra Tradition
The ancient Indian texts have recorded many novel ideas regarding nature and environment as they were much more concerned about its preservation and nourishment. Various authors have described this fact in their composition through the ages. In this paper, an attempt is made to examine views regarding the nature and environment and rules prescribed by the Dharmasastra Dhasa. writers. It is also highlighted here, how the ancient scriptures, particularly the Dhasa. can help us to solve the present environmental crisis. 

by Prof. Subash Chandra Dash ""Perspectives of Nature and Environment in Dharmaśāstra Tradition""

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-3 , April 2020,


Paper Url :

callforpaperpharmacy, pharmacyjournal, internationalpeerreviewedjournal

Wednesday, 18 March 2020

Mahabharata and Veda

March 18, 2020 0
Mahabharata and Veda
Mahabharata is to be considered as the soul of Indian civilization. The contents of the great epic reflect the nature of the human relation to the society. It is also observed that, the ideas of Mahabharata purify the dirt of the society by imposing its power against the evil. Once upon a time when Vedic knowledge was not so easy to understand by the common man, to fill the gap of that circumstances this epic played a vital role. To make Vedic knowledge so simple to the man, Mahabharata analyzes the significant role of individual by supplying the every needs of his life. As a result Mahabharata stands as the fifth Veda to satisfy the ultimate goal of human life i.e. Puru artha s Dharma, Artha, Kama and Mok a .It explained the value of human life in light of Veda. Here in this proposed research paper, an attempt has been made to highlight the few Vedic ideas which are reflected in Mahabharata in connection to the human life. 

by Dr. Debajyoti Jena ""Mahabharata and Veda""

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-3 , April 2020,


Paper Url :

internationaljournalsofcomputerscience, callforpapercomputerscience, ugcapprovedjournalsforcomputerscience

Sunday, 15 March 2020

Transmission of Language in the Metaphysical Framework of Bhartṛhari

March 15, 2020 0
Transmission of Language in the Metaphysical Framework of Bhartṛhari

As the traditional texts have shown many lights on the theory of language, the Vedas have shown the path to a large extent. The people started communicating with each other and it became the medium of expression. When language started then systematization started slowly and grammatical treatises became possible and were made available through transmission. In the grammatical tradition Bhart hari became the champion in analyzing the metaphysical framework of it in detail. The paper discusses that very aspect here. 

by Dr. Shantipriya Devi ""Transmission of Language in the Metaphysical Framework of Bhartṛhari""

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-3 , April 2020,


Paper Url :

peerreviewedinternationaljournal, callforpaperinugcapprovedjournals, paperpublicationforstudent

Monday, 9 March 2020

Stars of Scientific Thoughts in the Sky of Sanskrit Literatures

March 09, 2020 0
Stars of Scientific Thoughts in the Sky of Sanskrit Literatures

Sanskrit is the refined language and its literatures are also refined. So, not only from India, but also from all over the world, the rivers of various types of knowledge has gathered and assembles in that ocean of literature. In this context the ancient dramatist Bharata perfectly said in his” Natyshastram` that – 

by Dr. Dilip Kumar Panda ""Stars of Scientific Thoughts in the Sky of Sanskrit Literatures""

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-3 , April 2020,


Paper Url :

internationaljournalofmanagement, callforpapermanagement, managementjournal 

Thursday, 13 February 2020

The Pañcamahāyajñas - A General Study

February 13, 2020 0
The Pañcamahāyajñas - A General Study

According to the Vedic tradition and culture, yajña literally means sacrifice, devotion, worship, offering etc. In the various scriptures of the Vedic literature, the Vedic sacrifices are described in detail. From the ancient Vedic times the five daily observances or sacrifices were prescribed as the Pañcamahayajñas. The combinations of five great sacrifices are called here the Pañcamahayajñas pañcanam mahayajñanam samahara pañcamahayajñam . The Satapatha Brahma a and Taittiriyara yaka mention about the Pañcamahayajñas at length while these five great yajñas take a very important place in the G hyasutras and the Dharmasutras. These five great sacrifices should be performed daily by householders which have some importance of the Indian cultural heritage as well as the Vedic traditions. They are viz., the Brahmayajña, i.e. the worship of Brahman or knowledge the Devayajña, i.e. the worship of gods the Bhutayajña, i.e. the worship of other beings the Pit yajña, i.e. the worship to ones forefathers the Manu yayajña, i.e. the worship to fellow humans. These above five daily sacrifices are performed very easily by the householders, i.e. Brahmayajña is done by the daily recitation of the Vedic texts, Devayajña is by offering the oblation to gods through Agni Bhutayajña is by giving food and other needful things to the animals, birds, insects etc. Pit yajña is by offering rice pi am or water to the forefathers Manu yayajña is by serving or helping other human being. The performances of these great Pañcamahayajñas have signified the value and ethics of humanity during the Vedic civilization, which are still relevant in the modern society. This research paper is a general study about to know the significance of the five great Vedic sacrifices and their relevance in the modern society and a comprehensive description has been aimed at. 

by Nayana Goswami ""The Pañcamahāyajñas - A General Study""

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-2 , February 2020,


Paper Url :

callforpaperphysics, physicsjournal

Saturday, 2 March 2019

A Brief Study on Śvetāśvataropaniṣad

March 02, 2019 0
A Brief Study on Śvetāśvataropaniṣad

Upani ads are the highest portion of Veda and upani ads are called as vedanta. It is the compound word of Sanskrit like upa ni sad, which denotes sitting at the feet or presence of a guru. The upani ads are called disclosure of god. There are one hundred and eight upani ads in Indian philosophical tradition. But their numbers exceed two hundred Among of them 11 number of upani ads are treated as major upani ads. The svetasvataropani ad is a major upani ad and there are 113 mantras in this upani ad and which belongs to k ayajurveda. The svetasvataropani ad describes the yoga, its usages and merits vividly. There are seen many more descriptions of the supreme soul and the descriptions about the individual soul in this upani ad very beautifully. 

by Nilachal Mishra "A Brief Study on Śvetāśvataropaniṣad"

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-3 , April 2019,


Paper URL:śvetāśvataropaniṣad/nilachal-mishra

call for paper arts, arts journal, peer reviewed journal

Thursday, 7 June 2018

Philosophical Thoughts as Reflected in Drama-S of Kālidāsa

June 07, 2018 0
Philosophical Thoughts as Reflected in Drama-S of Kālidāsa
Mahakavi Kalidasa a luminous star in the galaxy of Sanskrit literature. As a poet as well as a Dramatist, he has not only written the prominent poems and famous dramas just for the amusement and happiness for the people of society, but he has reflected the socio-political status, religious thoughts and spiritual approaches of the society as well. It is also noticed that when Sanatana dharma or Vaidika dharma once upon a time was in crises by the influence of Buddha dharma and Jaina dharma in the soil of India, by the mean time, Ancient Scholar (Vaidika ??i) have made their efforts to establish and propagate the same by highlighting the value of it. 

Establishment of Dharma was only possible through the writing of Kavyas and Na?akas by the then scholars. As a result, poet Kalidasa has not ignored the chance to highlight the concept of philosophy and religion, while writing his dramas and poems. We may discuss here few areas where Kalidasa has concentrated to highlight the philosophical thoughts in his writings particularly in dramas. Moreover, the establishment of ?svaravada, the concept Prak?ti and Puru?a, Yogavichara, Isvaratattvasidhanta, Vagarthavada and the concept of Yajna and Devata are discussed in detailed in this research paper with proper evidences. 

By Dr. Debajyoti Jena" Philosophical Thoughts as Reflected in Drama-S of Kālidāsa" 

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-2 | Issue-4 , June 2018,

Paper URL: 

Direct URL:ālidāsa/dr-debajyoti-jena

best international journal, ugc journal list, research publication
