Human life was crude in primitive times. With the gradual development of technology man began to control external nature, due to which civilizations developed in various parts of the world, giving him physical comforts and a modicum of security. Today’s modern man has achieved a fairly good degree of control over the external nature and its energies. Vedanta asks him to go one step ahead, there is an internal nature, which needs discipline and control. That is the subject matter of the science of spirituality. Physical science attempts to control the external nature, spirituality deals with internal. Both are essential for the human development and fulfillment. Every civilized and cultured life needs the regulation of sensory impulses. That is what constitutional laws and regulations aim at. When we put moral and ethical teachings into practice, we manifest our higher dimension. We develop concern for other people and grow in ethical awareness, which is known as Dharma in Sanskrit. If we carry this development further we reach the higher levels of spirituality. It is very much special and privilege takes the birth of a human being. The former makes for material development and the latter bestows on us spiritual freedom. Here we see both Vedanta and modern science speak of the uniqueness of man among all other creatures. Non human species have only experience of pleasure and pain. Man also has experience of pleasure and pain, but in addition to this, he has knowledge knowledge of the world outside and self knowledge, secular as well as spiritual knowledge. Having obtained, at the end of many births, this human form which is difficult to obtain, and though perishable, capable of conferring on man, in this very life, the highest spiritual freedom, the wise man should strive earnestly, before death overtakes him, for spiritual freedom, which is his highest excellence. Sensual delights can be had in all other bodies.
by Dr. Nagalakshmi. S "Description of Spirituality in Vivekacudamani"
Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-6 , October 2020,
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callforpaperpapersconference, highimpactfactor, manuscriptpublication
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