International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development: Business Ethics

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Showing posts with label Business Ethics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Business Ethics. Show all posts

Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Role and Significance of Ethics in Human Resource Practices at Organization A Conceptual Study

November 10, 2020 0
Role and Significance of Ethics in Human Resource Practices at Organization A Conceptual Study

Ethics refers to a system of moral principles a sense of right and wrong, and goodness and badness of actions and the motives and consequences of these actions. In the organization, businessmen must draw their ideas about what is desirable behavior from the same sources as anybody else would draw. Ethical values channelize the individual energies into pursuits that are benign to others and beneficial to the society. Ethical issues abound in HR activities, such as remuneration, labour relations, health and safety, training and development etc. studying the role of the Human Resource Management HRM in promoting ethics is an emerging research topic due to the heavy influence that HRM practices are thought to have on employees. This paper is aimed at developing a thorough analysis of HRMs role in promoting ethics, and specifically at focusing of its practices. This article offers insight into a detailed discussion of how ethical issues related to HR situations in the organizations. 

by Rajendra Prasad G R | Dr. Manjunath, K. R "Role and Significance of Ethics in Human Resource Practices at Organization- A Conceptual Study" 

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-1 , December 2020, 


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Effects of Coronavirus Covid 19 on Tourist Industry

November 10, 2020 0
Effects of Coronavirus Covid 19 on Tourist Industry

The purpose of this research is to examine the impact of the coronavirus pandemic COVID 19 on the tourism industry and to find the tourism sector that will result from this pandemic. In the absence of a similar earlier research, this research is designed to be conducted in a courteous manner. The pilot research involved 103 travelers selected on a non probability basis. The findings suggest that the current COVID 19 pandemic is likely to affect travelers behavior in terms of human safety, economic costs, beliefs and attitudes. Finally, the main findings and practical implications of this research are described in terms of crisis management, and the direction of further study is presented based on the findings and limitations of this research.


by Nazarbek Kamudas | Ganzorig Myagmardorj "Effects of Coronavirus (Covid-19) on Tourist Industry" 

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-1 , December 2020, 


Paper URL :

callforpaperinternationaljournal, ugclistofjournals, bestinternationaljournal 

Monday, 18 May 2020

Spirituality in Management A Key for Corporate Excellence

May 18, 2020 0
Spirituality in Management A Key for Corporate Excellence

World is facing a very competitive time where everyone is running towards name ,fame, money and luxury .Materialism is at its brim and all have become so habitual of this lifestyle that the Ethical and spiritual part of life is left much behind. We will hardly see anyone who is looking for a grounded lifestyle along with ethical and spiritual practises. The emergence of expensive shopping arcades, highly costly hotels and restaurants, availability of multiple digital payment options, convenient online shopping of everything ranging from clothes, furniture, staples to all variety of meal options right at the doorstep is leading to continuous increase in needs, wants and desires of all classes from lower, middle to upper class. Spirituality has taken over the matter of reducing stress in workforce and management. The thought behind writing this paper is to know about the reality of corporate life. There is lot of debate on being spiritual so a research is carried out and survey is done to find out the exact mentality and outlook of corporate workforce. A lot of content is taken from hindu scripture Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta. 

BY Ankita Ochani "Spirituality in Management - A Key for Corporate Excellence"

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-4 , June 2020,


Paper Url :

callforpaperarts, artsjournal, peerreviewedjournal 

Monday, 6 January 2020

A Study on Problems Faced by the Gems and Jewels Exporters with Special Reference to Coimbatore City

January 06, 2020 0
A Study on Problems Faced by the Gems and Jewels Exporters with Special Reference to Coimbatore City

The study mainly focus on the GEM traders export activities and the complications faced by them. It also to examine the mind of the respondents and their preferences on ornaments. It implies the perception of the buyer, how do they see the GEM traders. It compiles the different problems faced by the Gem trader, while they go for export to different countries. It helps to identify the consumers from different countries and their preferences. 

by Ms. R. Mahadevi | Mr. A. Vijayakumar | Dr. M. Kanagarathinam | Dr. M. Thillainayaki ""A Study on Problems Faced by the Gems and Jewels Exporters with Special Reference to Coimbatore City"" 

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-2 , February 2020,


Paper Url :

callforpaperchemistry, chemistryjournal, openaccessjournalofchemistry 

Wednesday, 1 May 2019

A Study of Online Market in Airline A Case Study in Mongolia

May 01, 2019 0
A Study of Online Market in Airline A Case Study in Mongolia
This study defines customer satisfaction CS of Mongolia with the experience of the online market OM by technology acceptance AT . The factors of CS include ease of use, payment security, interactivity, and the quality of the information on the website. The goal of this study is to examine to what extent these 4 factors affect the satisfaction of passengers in Mongolian Airlines MA . The survey was based on 2 airlines the airline Hunnu, the airline MIAT and the data collected from 98 passengers of those airlines. The results show that there are three essential factors interactivity, the security of payment and ease of use, which affects satisfaction with OMs experience in CS in Mongolia. 

By Bayanmunkh Nandinchimeg | Ganzorig Munkhjin | Tsevegdorj Battsetseg "A Study of Online Market in Airline: A Case Study in Mongolia"

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-4 , June 2019,


Paper URL:

international journalinternational journals of computer scienceinternational journals in engineering

Saturday, 19 May 2018

Role of Ethics in Modern Business Paradigm

May 19, 2018 0
Role of Ethics in Modern Business Paradigm
Modern business has witnessed a number of changes. These changes are both negative as well as positive. As ethics in business relates to is the code of conduct, principles, practices and philosophies, it will guide the day to day business decisions considering its positive impact on society and its sustainability. The ethical principles and moral practices help the organisation in attaining what is best. With the growing concern about climate change, food security and global health, the whole issue of business ethics has become a matter of widespread debate and consideration across the globe. 

Thus this paper aims at bringing these diverse perspectives together in order to bring a comprehensive and holistic account of modern business ethics. This article also describes the ethical issues, which are vital to solving the problems related to business, and to give short preface to the moral issues drawn in in the management of explicit problem areas in business.

By Dr. Puja Mishra "Role of Ethics in Modern Business Paradigm"

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-2 | Issue-4 , June 2018, 


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call for paper health science, ugc approved engineerinfjournal, medical science journal

Monday, 19 December 2016

A Study on the Decentralized Planning and Socio-economic growth and Development with special reference to e-Governance initiatives in the state of Telangana

December 19, 2016 0
A Study on the Decentralized Planning and Socio-economic growth and Development with special reference to e-Governance initiatives in the state of Telangana
The sustainable development of State requires infrastructure and good governance system i.e. Infrastructure, decentralized administration, digitalization, technology based E-governance; infrastructure finance will help the government of Telangana to attain the new heights of economic growth and development. The development process of Telangana is a better design through T-hub, Policy initiatives and peoples participation. The overall development of State of Telangana is in right direction to bring the socio-economic development in the key areas of Agriculture, Industry and Service Sector.

The state policy is for accelerating sustainable development and improving the strategic intervention in respect of e-governance, good governance, ICT education infrastructural development to achieve the improvement in employability and empowerment of youth and women. The government of Telangana is closely working with local, district and state level authorities to improve the social and economic infrastructure and industrial development through best industrial and agriculture policies.

BY Lakshmi Prasad. Chinthalapalli | Dr. Y. V. Rao"A Study on the Decentralized Planning and Socio-economic growth and Development with special reference to e-Governance initiatives in the state of Telangana" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-1 | Issue-2 , February 2017,

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Quality of work life and Human resource Management in Business Process Management (BPM) Companies in India

December 19, 2016 0
Quality of work life and Human resource Management in Business Process Management (BPM) Companies in India
Quality of work life plays an important role in the present global business environment to improve the organizational performance and excellence in terms of achieving profitability and productivity to reach the organizational goals. The work life is based on the Person's mentality and the psychological factors. Authors, people of organization, psychologists and also the management consultants agreed to give a 100% perfect definition based on their experience and observations. The happiness and behavior of the employees is measured by their way of life.

The employees life style is determined with individual characteristics and individual characteristics of need pattern, tolerance of every issue in organization, work principles, values, abilities and skills of the employees. People behavior and work life balance usually varies from person to person. Reaching higher position will satisfy the mental urges. Engaging with the given work will also be helpful for balancing the personal life satisfaction. Organizational trainings and career development will be helpful to precise the quality of work life Appreciations, and Motivation, are the most important needs. It is important factor of work life status improvement. More recognition in job needs to be appreciated. Employees must be rewarded for his extra work Development and work skills. At the same time lethargic and lazy employees must be penalized. This will be helpful in motivating employees.

BY Ms. Challa Madhavi | Dr. Nalini Bikkana" Quality of work life and Human resource Management in Business Process Management (BPM) Companies in India" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-1 | Issue-2 , February 2017,

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