Ethics refers to a system of moral principles a sense of right and wrong, and goodness and badness of actions and the motives and consequences of these actions. In the organization, businessmen must draw their ideas about what is desirable behavior from the same sources as anybody else would draw. Ethical values channelize the individual energies into pursuits that are benign to others and beneficial to the society. Ethical issues abound in HR activities, such as remuneration, labour relations, health and safety, training and development etc. studying the role of the Human Resource Management HRM in promoting ethics is an emerging research topic due to the heavy influence that HRM practices are thought to have on employees. This paper is aimed at developing a thorough analysis of HRMs role in promoting ethics, and specifically at focusing of its practices. This article offers insight into a detailed discussion of how ethical issues related to HR situations in the organizations.
by Rajendra Prasad G R | Dr. Manjunath, K. R "Role and Significance of Ethics in Human Resource Practices at Organization- A Conceptual Study"
Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-1 , December 2020,