Diabetes mellitus is a category of metabolic disorders that are characterized by elevated blood glucose levels resulting from insulin synthesis defects, insulin activity, or both. It is correlated with “Madhumeha” describe under the Prameharoga in Ayurveda. This scientific study has been conducted to evaluate the acute effect of Daruharidradikashaya. Daruharidra, Harithaki, Vibhitaki, Amalaki, Mustha and Devadara are ingredients of it.In clinical study ten were selected and given instruction for same diet, lifestyle and antidiabetic drugs for two weeks and specially advised to have same dinner enriched with fiber and protein before the blood test. Then kept fasting for 10 hours. After first week 120ml of Daruharidradi Kashayawas given to the patient while blood drawing for Fasting Blood Sugar FBS test. Then Oral Glucose Tolerance Test OGTT was done. In their second visit 120ml of Luke warm water was given on behalf of the drug and repeated same procedure. FBS and OGTT levels were separately measured and average levels are considered.Also a non parametric test called “Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test” was applied for testing the difference between two dependent samples. Since p values are not less than 0.05, efficacy of the Daruharidradi Kashaya has not been shown statistically significance at 5 percent significant level for all the periods of times. The effectiveness of the drug has not been statistically significant for the remaining periods of times. So it can be concluded that the acute action of Daruharidradi Kashayais not effective for reduce blood glucose level for the remaining period of times. Daruharidradi Kashaya has chronic effectiveness for Diabetes mellitus. So there may be some issues with the acute effect of it. Therefore, for a perfect conclusion, the study sample should be expand under more numbers of patients and the study setting should be IPD inward patient department of the hospital. There is an open field for new researchers to increase this study sample and repeat this procedure.
by T. K. G. Punchihewa | R. V. Ekneligoda | P. P. Uyanege "Evaluation of the Acute Effect of Daru Haridradi Kashaya in the Management of Blood Glucose Level in Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 – A Pilot Study"
Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-2 , February 2021,
URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd38604.pdf
internationaljournalsinengineering, callforpaperengineering, ugcapprovedengineeringjournal
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