In this project, an impedance source power converter or impedance fed power converter and its control method are presented to implement DC to DC, AC to DC, AC power conversion. The Z source inverter uses a single impedance network or a single impedance circuit to couple the main circuit of the converter to the power source, using respectively a capacitor and an inductor in the voltage source and the converter. of current source. Implementation of the crossing zero state as a switching state in a switching cycle of the inverter in which the output voltage is zero, because the output terminals are short circuited by both the switching over and through the lower switching device, thanks to which the Z source conceptual inverter and the theoretical barriers and limitations of the conventional inverter and inverter. By controlling the duty cycle ie, by increasing the initial state of the duty cycle , the state in which two switches of one branch or four switches of two branches or six switches of all branches are activated simultaneously, which allows to generate a renewed state signal, called zero crossing state, which increasingly charges the capacitor, thus improving the performance of the source inverter Z.This project also highlights the ASD system powered by a Z Source inverter and proposes a new concept of power conversion. The control for general purpose motor drives by Z source inverters is also presented in detail in this project. The behavior of a three phase induction motor powered by an impedance inverter AC drive is analyzed with the results of the simulation.
by Anant Thakur ""Z-Source Inverter Fed Asynchronous Motor Drive""
Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-1 , December 2019,
Paper URL:
computer science journal, open access journal of management
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