Constant Control of the Power of DFIG Wind Turbines - International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development

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Saturday, 9 November 2019

Constant Control of the Power of DFIG Wind Turbines

With the increasing penetration of wind energy into electricity grids, energy storage will be required to dynamically adapt to the intermittency of wind energy. This article proposes a new two stage constant power control system for a wind farm equipped with Dual Induction Generator DFIG wind turbines. Each DFIG wind turbine is equipped with a super capacitor energy storage ESS system and is controlled by low level wind turbines WTG and coordinated by a higher level wind farm monitoring control system WFSC . . The WFSC generates the actual power references for the lower layer WTG commands based on the actual power demand of the network operator or the corresponding production commitment. The WKA lower layer regulators then control each DFIG wind turbine to produce the desired amount of active power, balancing the gaps between available wind energy and the desired active power through the SSE. In PSCAD EMTDC, simulation studies will be carried out in a wind farm with 15 DFIG wind turbines to verify the effectiveness of the proposed regulatory system. 

by Amit Kumar Chandan | Govind Pandya ""Constant Control of the Power of DFIG Wind Turbines""

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-1 , December 2019,


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peer reviewed international journal, call for paper economics, ugc approved journals for chemistry

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