Managing Guidance and Counselling Services for Patriotism and Values Re-Orietation among the Students of Colleges of Education in Ankpa Education Zone of Kogi State - International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development

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Wednesday, 13 February 2019

Managing Guidance and Counselling Services for Patriotism and Values Re-Orietation among the Students of Colleges of Education in Ankpa Education Zone of Kogi State

The study investigated managing guidance and counselling services for patriotism and values re-orientation among the students of colleges of education in Ankpa education zone of Kogi state. Two research questions guided the study. The study adopted descriptive research design. A sample of 300 students was randomly selected for the study. 

Students' Patriotism and Values Adherence Level Parameter SPLP and Students Values Adherence Parameter SVAP were used as instruments. The data collected were analyzed using mean and standard deviation. The cumulative analysis of mean and standard deviation for research question one shows the calculated values of 3.56 and 0.05 revealing that guidance counselling services does not influence students' level of patriotism in colleges of education in Ankpa education zone. The cumulative analysis of mean and standard deviation for research question two shows the calculated values of 1.77 and 0.19 revealing that management of guidance counselling services influence colleges of education students' in the practice of the societal values in Ankpa education zone of Kogi state to a little extent. It was recommended that guidance counselling services should be given top priority by the stakeholders in education industry to enhance the level of students' patriotism and strict adherence to practices of Nigerian values. 

by Yakubu Hassan | Shaibu Leonard "Managing Guidance and Counselling Services for Patriotism and Values Re-Orietation among the Students of Colleges of Education in Ankpa Education Zone of Kogi State" 

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-2 , February 2019, 


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call for paper Education, international journal Education, ugc approved journals Education

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