Introduction Some common factors like Smoking, Insufficient physical activity, alcohol, inadequate consumption of fruits and vegetables, more use of fatty and salty food â€Å“lag time effect†, obesity and overweight, occupational hazards etc. are work as risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Material and Methods The present study referred various Ayurvedic texts, modern medical science books, and Indian mythological literature as well as the available internet data and journals. AIMS AND OBJECTIVE To evaluate the concept and importance of diet and life style modification in prevention of cardiovascular disease. Conclusion Dietary and life style modification in the form of Pathya - Apthya like to use Laghu purana anna, Yava and Godhum, Dugdha etc and avoid the Ushna Amla Lavana Kshara Katu, Guru Snigdha etc. decreases the chance of vitiation of Dosa of Pranvaha and Rasavaha Srotas and have less chance of cardiovascular disease.
by Dr. Dharmendra Mishra | Dr. Shalinee K Mishra "Role of Diet and Lifestyle Modification in the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease: A Review Study"
Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-6 , October 2021,
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