Sulphur S is an essential nutrient for the plant growth and its metabolic activities. Its occurrence depends upon the parent materials and rocks from which soil is derived. Sulphur is a structural constituent of many co enzymes and secondary plant products and acts as a functional group directly involved in metabolic reactions in plants. Further, it is an essential component for plant system which is present in soils in both organic and inorganic forms. Organic form particularly sulphate ester and carbon bonded sulphur contributes approximately 75 90 of the total sulphur. Widespread sulphur deficiencies in soils and crops have increased worldwide because of low input of S in the soil . This might became the cause of valuable yield reduction in many crops. Sulphur deficiencies in soils are generally attributed due to low in organic matter, coarse textured, well drained, and subject to leaching etc .Conversion of natural ecosystems into agricultural lands for intensive cultivation severely depletes soil organic carbon pools , which ultimately depletes the sulphur content of the soil in the Tarai region of UP. The importance of sulphur S nutrition in crops for their growth and development has been receiving increased attention in recent years. Sulphur plays an important role in the synthesis of S containing amino acids cystine, cysteine, and methionine , proteins, vitamins, chlorophyll, oils, etc. Although essential for plants, proper monitoring in the fertilization process was not initiated in the past which resulted in depletion of S reserves. Widespread deficiencies of S have been attributed to S mining by the use of high analysis or S free fertilizers and continuation of rice wheat or rice mustard cropping system. The temperature of soil is a significant parameter in agriculture since proper warmth at proper depths not only conditions efficient plant growing. It also determines the time for sowing, due to the importance of soil temperature for seed germination. Soil temperature regimes vary monthly, seasonally, and daily, and since the main source of earth heating is solar radiation, farmers have to manage the hottest peaks during the day, with ultimate sun activity. Studying soil temperatures, earth heat fluxes, and, in particular, correlations between wet and dry lands and their heat absorbing capacities helps agriculturalists to productively schedule field events.
by Shivesh Singh | Shivam Singh | Shivangi Singh | Pramod Kumar Singh | Mahindra Pratap Singh "Non Availability of Sulphur Due To High Thermo-Climatic Variation in Oil Crop under Tarai Region of Uttar Pradesh"
Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-6 , October 2021,
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