The Nasya Karma has been specifically indicated, when the poison reaches the head region Shirogata Visha . As the medicines administered through Nasya directly enter the central nervous system, this treatment modality can be aptly used in such emergency medical conditions. The administration of Nasya doesn't need any specific pre therapeutic measures like Snehana Oleation or Swedana Sudation etc. which are compulsory before other starting other treatments like Vamana or Virechana. This makes it more suitable for its use in the emergency cases of poisoning. Moreover, the utilization of Nasya Karma has been observed right since the Vedic period and this extensive tradition of Nasya Karma gives lots of confidence about its safety and efficacy. Even certain researches in modern medical science have proved its utility, but still there is a greater need to explore and utilize this treatment option in a more scientific manner. Poisoning is always an emergency condition that doctor has to handle diligently and cautiously. Nasya karma NK drug delivery through nasal passage is considered to be the best one among all the panchkarmas for all urdhwajatrugata Organs above the adam's apple diseases. According to its practical application with minimum requirements, its accessibility is comparatively is easier. From 2016, CCIM has declared Agadatantra as a clinical subject. Agadatantra is the ayurvedic toxicological science which deals with the study of signs and symptoms of different types of poisons and its management. Among the twenty four treatment modalities of vishachikitsa, nasya is one. But practicle application of drugs which are used for NK in poisoned cases were not available at first hand.
by Dr. Hari Krishna Shriwas | Dr. L. C. Harjpal | Dr. Rupendra Chandrakar "Nasya Karma an Emergency Therapy W.S.R. Visha Chiktsa"
Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-6 , October 2021,
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