Chagamamsa has been used as both as Ahara well as Aushadha. The concept of Nutraceutical is gaining a lot of importance in the recent few days. People are exhausted taking medicines which are difficult to take and also have lot of side effects. They prefer to take something which is easily available and also that which can be a part of food to treat their ailments. Nutraceutical have been defined a food or a part of food that provides medicinal or health benefit including prevention and treatment of diseases. Chagamamsa is a Mamsa which is taken as a part of food it can be considered a Nutraceutical. There are a lot of medicinal value attributed of the Chagamamsa and other Dravyas which are included for the Chagaladya Ghrita. The Chagaladya Ghrita content mainly Chaga mamsa Goats meat , Ashwagandha, Vasapanchanga, Chagadugdha, Goghrita and other Prakshepaka dravyas.
by Dr. Prabhakar H. Kannalli | Dr. Bishnupriya Sethi | Dr. Shankara Gowda | Dr. Ravi R Chavan "Chagaladya Ghrita; A - Drug Review"
Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-6 , October 2021,
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