Transforming Healthcare Industry by Implementing Cloud Computing - International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development

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Sunday, 19 September 2021

Transforming Healthcare Industry by Implementing Cloud Computing

In the present generation, healthcare has become the foremost imperative sector in todays medicinal eon. The massive private documents, responsive details are kept in a scalable manner. The healthcare industry has become more competitive in the digital world. As a thriving industry, its challenging for doctors to understand the moving technology in the healthcare sector. This also deals with the patient's nursing and maintains their portfolios. The overview of the project depicts a role played by the doctors, patients, management, and resource suppliers by implementing cloud technology in the healthcare industry. The platform was designed and developed for user friendly interactions where patients can connect with the management and doctors at any corner of the world. The peculiarity of the project was to withdraw the pen paper method followed by the sector for ages. Cloud computing CC has played a vital role in the project that helped and managed to store, secure large data files. The features while operating the system were QR codes, generating e mails, SMS text, and free trunk calls. This approach assists on track with each individuals health related documents, henceforward approving with the doctors to access the knowledge throughout the flow of emergency and firmly access policy. Besides the facts, it rescues the lifetime of the patients and mutually helps the doctors figure it out comfortably. The utilization of mobile aid applications may be a dynamic field and has received the attention of late. This development provides mobile technology additional enticing for mobile health m health applications. The m health defines as wireless telemedicine involving the utilization of mobile telecommunications and multimedia system technologies and their integration with mobile health care delivery systems. As well as human authentication protocols, whereas guaranteeing, has not been straightforward in light weight of their restricted capability of calculation and remembrance. 
by Ms. Rohini Kulkarni | Pratibha Gayke "Transforming Healthcare Industry by Implementing Cloud Computing" 

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-6 , October 2021, 

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