Access to Agricultural Credit and Cassava Production A Study of Selected Cooperative Farmers in Anambra State - International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development

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Wednesday, 18 August 2021

Access to Agricultural Credit and Cassava Production A Study of Selected Cooperative Farmers in Anambra State

This study examined access to agricultural credit and cassava production A study of selected cooperative farmers in Anambra State, Nigeria. This study adopted a descriptive survey research design that aimed to determine the relationship between the independent variables and dependent variable in a population. The population of this study was made up of 2978 members of selected thirty six cooperative societies in Anambra State. A sample of 353 was determined for the study using Taro Yamani formula. A structured questionnaire was administered to 353 respondents only 348 responded to the questionnaire. The data collected using the questionnaire was analyzed using descriptive statistics like frequency, mean and standard deviation and also inferential statistics such as regression analysis and t test statistics. All analysis was conducted using SPSS version 23. Findings show that all the five coefficients cost of cooperative credit, amount of credit borrowed, loan repayment period, interest paid and loan repayment performance significantly influence cassava production in Anambra State. In general, the joint effect of the explanatory variables independent variables in the model account for 0.883 or 88.3 of the variations in the influence of cooperative credit on cassava production in Anambra State, Nigeria. This implies that 88.3 of the variations in the cassava production are being accounted for or explained by the variations in the explanatory variables. While other independent variables not captured in the model explain just 11.7 of the variations in cassava production. The study therefore recommends that credit institutions should supervise and spread the repayment period for credit obtained in such a way that the cost will not be heavy. Adequate credit facilities should be provided for farmers to enable them increase their production capacity. The loan repayment period for the farmers should be well spread to enhance their productivity among others. Low interest rate should be charged farmer to enable them reduce their rate of defaulting repayment. 

Nwafor, Grace Obiageli | Umebali, Emmanuel E. "Access to Agricultural Credit and Cassava Production: A Study of Selected Cooperative Farmers in Anambra State" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-5 , August 2021, 


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internationaljournalsinengineering, callforpaperengineering, ugcapprovedengineeringjournal 

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