A Study on Knowledge, Attitude and Practice KAP on Anemia and Socio Economic Characteristics of Rural Adolescent Girls in Odisha - International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development

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Monday, 23 August 2021

A Study on Knowledge, Attitude and Practice KAP on Anemia and Socio Economic Characteristics of Rural Adolescent Girls in Odisha

Anemia is a critical public health problem in India that affects women and children throughout the lifecycle. The Govt. of India took an effort by launching the programme called “12 by 12 initiatives- addressing the problem of anemia in adolescents. Under Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Adolescent Girls SABALA programme initiated in 2011, adolescent girls are being received weekly supplementation of iron folic acid tablets and biannual de worming tablets. Recently another remarkable initiative to improve nutritional outcomes for children, pregnant women and lactating mothers, “Poshan Abhiyaan- was launched in March 2018. Despite all these programmes, the prevalence of anemia among women and Adolescent Girls is alerting. Therefore, the current study focused on knowledge, attitude and practice KAP on anemia and socio economic characteristics of Rural Adolescent Girls’ in Odisha. A one group pretest and post test design was adopted for conducting the study. 508 30 of the population girl students from one school and two 2 colleges in Banki were selected as the sample for the study. Information on socio demographic profile, history of worm infestation, menarche, menstrual problems, personal hygiene and consumption of green leafy vegetables, diet history were collected through the questionnaire. Height and weight were measured along with hemoglobin status. Paired t test was used to know the difference between pretest and post test. ANOVA for Significant difference between the sources of information and gain score of KAP, correlation coefficient between KAP, regression analysis is used to know the relationships between multiple variables of the study. The present study reflects that the difference in the mean score of the Knowledge, attitude and practice are higher after the post test than the pretest scores. Hence, it is interpreted that the planned nutrition education programme on Anemia was very effective in changing the knowledge, attitude and practice among the rural adolescent girls in a positive direction. There is significant difference between Age group, Age at menarche, family type, mother’s educational status, personal hygiene and sanitation facilities and the gain score of knowledge, attitude and practice. There is a significant difference between the family income and the gain score of the knowledge, attitude and practice of anemia at the 0.05 level of significance. Thus, it is concluded that the demographic variables would have influence over the knowledge, attitude, and practice on anemia. 

by Dr. Sandhya Rani Mohanty "A Study on Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) on Anemia and Socio Economic Characteristics of Rural Adolescent Girls in Odisha" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-5 , August 2021, 

URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd45033.pdf 

Paper URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/home-science/food-and-nutrition/45033/a-study-on-knowledge-attitude-and-practice-kap-on-anemia-and-socio-economic-characteristics-of-rural-adolescent-girls-in-odisha/dr-sandhya-rani-mohanty

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