As information technology is the modern trend on banking today, its very imperative for banks to access its impact operational performance so as to justify if the capital invested on it is Justifiable or not, analyze their problem and profit possible solutions. The objective of this research is to examine how the adoption of information technology affects the operations of commercial banks and the impact of information technology on banks and customer relationship. The main research instruments used are questionnaire from staffs and customers of the bank,156 questionnaire were distributed and 150 questionnaire were administered. The simple frequency percentage was adopted as the statistical measure and hypothesis testing was analyzed using chi square statistical tool, at 0.05 level of significance to show whether they should be upheld or rejected. The results of this research affirmed that there is significant relationship between management disposition and the utilization of information technology by banks in Nigeria. In conclusion, the study reward that information technology has tremendously improved growth and performance of the Nigeria commercial banks. Information technology has lead to increase customer satisfaction, improved operational efficiency, reduced transaction time, and gives the bank a competitive edge. The study recommends that every bank in Nigeria should not only invest heavily on IT especially the point of sales POS , but should distribute same to business outlets where business owners and customers will have access to smooth and hassle free transactions. It is therefore necessary for the government to emphasize the need for more policies that will boost the efficiency in utilization of IT equipment by reducing the cost of acquiring them so as to reduce cost and boost the growth of the economy. Consequently, it is hereby suggested that further studies be carried out on the impact of Information Technology on development finance institutions.
by Olaitan S. K | Arijeniwa O. C "Impacts of Information Technology on Banking Industry (A Case Study of Akure Bank Area)" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-5 , August 2021,
callforpaperarts, artsjournal, peerreviewedjournal, submitpaperonline
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