Factors Influencing the Intention to Buy Products Online - International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development

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Wednesday, 14 July 2021

Factors Influencing the Intention to Buy Products Online

The growth of information technology, including the internet, turns out to have a big impact on all aspects of life, this happens because the internet can be accessed anywhere and anytime. The rapidly growing number of internet users can become a potential market for business people to enter, therefore more people are using the internet as a marketing and business medium.This paper will discuss the factors that influence consumers to buy products online. For companies, they can find out what factors influence the interest of buyers of products online and for consumers to provide knowledge about their interest in purchasing products various products .The quality of the product, the higher the customer satisfaction, so online shop customers choose online stores according to recommendations from other people who have experience buying their products so that it has an impact on customer satisfaction. Product innovation is also carried out so that consumers do not feel bored and bored with existing products. Based on previous research, product innovation does not have a significant effect on consumer buying interest A positive brand image has a positive influence on purchasing decisions, the higher the brand image created by the company, the level of decision making to buy also increases. Sales promotion is a form of direct persuasion through the use of various incentives that can be arranged to stimulate immediate product purchases and or increase the amount that customers will buy. 

by Dominicus Wahyu Pradana | Lena Ellitan | Robertus Sigit Haribowo Lukito "Factors Influencing the Intention to Buy Products Online" 

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-4 , June 2021, 

URL: https://www.ijtsrd.compapers/ijtsrd43705.pdf 

Paper URL: https://www.ijtsrd.commanagement/marketing/43705/factors-influencing-the-intention-to-buy-products-online/dominicus-wahyu-pradana

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