The educational problems of the mass of people in the country appear to have close relations with the ethos of the society. Most of the socially and economically disadvantaged and deprived groups of the society are found to be backward. Therefore, it is necessary to examine the status of these groups, understand their socioeconomic setting and resolve the problem at hand illiteracy and ignorance. Education, with a fervent hope that it widens the mind, trains the critical faculties of thought and judgement, has always been valued highly by all societies and cultures. It is considered the sine qua non for the freedom from the shackles of ignorance, dependency and poverty etc. Eradication of illiteracy is considered as one of the significant objectives of developmental planning in India today. Literacy is universally recognised as a powerful instrument of social change. The tribal population is, however handicapped socially as well as economically and has not responded vigorously to the times aimed at the eradication of illiteracy.
by Priyaranjan Das "Effect of Social Attitude on Academic Achievement of Tribal Students at Secondary Level in Kalahandi District" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-5 , August 2021,
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