Introduction Most patients with life threatening or potential life threatening problems arrive at the hospital through the emergency department. Many more patients report to the emergency department for less urgent conditions also. Recognition of life threatening illness or injury is one of the most important aspects of emergency care. Before a diagnosis can be made, recognition of dangerous clinical signs and symptoms with initiation of interventions to reserve or prevent a crisis is essential. Triage consists of rapidly classifying the injured on the basis of the severity of their injuries and the likelihood of their survival with prompt medical intervention. The role of the triage nurse is central to the effective and efficient operation of the Emergency Department. The finite resources of the Emergency Department emphasize the need for timely and accurate triage decisions that ultimately underpin optimal health service delivery. Objective To assess the pre test level of knowledge and skill regarding management of patient admitted in hospital triage setting among the staff nurses. Method A study was conducted using quantitative approach to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge and Skill regarding management of patients admitted in hospital triage setting among the staff nurses at Era Hospital, Lucknow. Pre Experimental research has been adopted. The conceptual framework utilized in this study was open system theory. The total sample sample size was 30.Before conducting the study written consent were obtained from the samples. Simple random sample technique was used. Data collection was done using structured observation checklist for skill and structured questionnaire for check knowledge. Result The data was obtained by structured questionnaire and checklist. Inform consent was taken from staff nurses for their knowledge assessment regarding triage setting followed by this structured questionnaire and checklist was given to the staff nurses. Pre test scores Knowledge, 5 16.66 were poor level of knowledge, 22 73.33 were Average level of knowledge and 3 10 were good level of knowledge. Post – test scores, 2 6.66 were poor level of knowledge, 8 26.66 were Average level of knowledge and 20 66.66 were good level of knowledge. Pre test scores skill, 23 76.66 were poor level of skill, 5 16.66 were Average level of skill and 2 6.66 were good level of skill. Post – test scores of skill, 3 10 were poor level of skill, 5 16.66 were Average level of skill and 22 73.33 were good level of skill. CONCLUSION Nurses who participated in this study demonstrated significant knowledge and skill deficits on patients triaging in the emergency departments of Era hospital that participated in the study. To correct this deficit and improve the knowledge and skill of these nurses, researcher conducted an structured teaching programme and significant changes were noticed in post – test.
by Supriya Rai "A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge and Skill Regarding Management of Patients Admitted in Hospital Triage Setting" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-5 , August 2021,
ugcjournallist, listofugcapprovedjournals, researchpublication
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