The natural plant products are widely use now a days because of increasing the burden of diseases. Hibiscus rosa sinesis Linn family malvaceae , is a plant which is widely distributed throughout the world. Its leaves, barks, flowers and roots have been use in the Indian traditional system as medicine to treat various diseases. In this context a technique was employed for the formulation of gel lby using Hibiscus rosa sinesis. It mainly contains active constituent like steroids, flavonoids, tannins, mucilages, reducing sugar, riboflavin. Hibisucs rosa sinesis plants posseses Antioxidants, Antimicrobial, Antidiabetic, Antiulcer, heapatoprotective, Antifertility, Antigenotoxic and anti inflammatory properties, which helps in the treatements of many diseases. The leaves and flowers are observed to be promoters of hair growth and aid in healing of ulcers. Flowers have been found tobe effective in the treatement of arterial hypertension and to have significant antifertility effect. Hibisucs rosa sinesis, an ornamental plant posseses different pharamacological activities. Hibiscus rosa sinesis is one of the miraculous herbal medicine that is found to have antimicrobial properties. This article compile all the information related to Hibiscus rosa sinesis Linn, and evaluation of hibiscus rosa. Hibiscus rosa sinesis commonly used for some diseases such as hypertension and as antidiabetic herbal medicine.
by Amol G. Jadhao | Prachi S. Mankar | Pooja B. Kharat | Vaishnavi N. Thakare | Vaishnavi Navtahle | Punam S. Narwade | Jayshri B. Sanap | Komal N. Mohite | Manisha R. Jawale | Prashant A. Patil "Formulation and Various Pharmacological Properties of Hibiscus Rosa Sinesis"
Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-4 , June 2021,
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