The modern scientific name of this plant is pink catharanthus Catharanthusroseus . It is formed from the Greek words catharos clear, pure and anthos flower and perfectly reflects the characteristic feature of the plant unusually pure shades in the color of flowers.When scientists first saw the plant, they decided that it was the closest relative of the famous and beloved in Europe periwinkle Vinca , and therefore attributed it to this genus. And for a long time the plant was called pink, or Madagascar, periwinkle. But then the botanists took a closer look at him and realized that the mistake came out not the brother of the periwinkle of the Madagascar guest, but only a cousin. The species migrated first to the genus Lochnera, and then to the genus Ammocallis, and only in 1837 a new genus Catharanthus was described.While scientists were putting things in order in the classification, growers got used to the name pink periwinkle, or rosé wine, and still rarely use the correct name catharanthus.
by Rasulova Feruza Gofirovna | Ergasheva Nargiza Xoljura Kizi "Bioecology, Agrotechnology and Medicinal Applications of Pink Catharanthus Plant"
Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Special Issue | International Research Development and Scientific Excellence in Academic Life , March 2021,
peerreviewedinternationaljournal, callforpaperinugcapprovedjournals, paperpublicationforstudent
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