Anthropometry is the science of obtaining systematic measurements of the human body. Anthropometry first developed in the 19th century as a method employed by physical anthropologists for the study of human variation and evolution in both living and extinct populations. Specifically, anthropomorphic measurements involve the size e.g., height, weight, surface area, and volume , structure e.g., sitting vs. standing height, shoulder and hip width, arm leg length, and neck circumference , and composition e.g., percentage of body fat, water content, and lean body mass of humans. Anthropometric measurements have been used historically as a means to associate racial, cultural, and psychological attributes with physical properties. The historical use of anthropometry has been applied to a wide range of applications, including Palaeoanthropology and human evolution, Biological anthropology, Craniometry and craniofacial attributes, Phylogeography, Criminology and Forensics, Phrenology, Physiognomy, Personality and mental typology. In ancient Anthropometry ie in PramanaSharir, the overall measurements were done in Swa AngulaPramana. Our Seers explained the concept of Swa AngulaPramana. It can be ideal parameter irrespective of sex, race and place. The concept of PramanaSharir in Ayurveda is unique. Irrespective of only using PramanaSharir in prognosis and diagnosis of patients, it is worth useful in knowing longevity of an individual. So, it is necessary to explore the concept of PramanaSharir – an ancient tool of Anthropometric measurement and its utility in current era.
by Dr. Rashi Sharma | Dr. Sunil Kumar "Importance of Pramanasharir – An Ancient Anthropometric Tool and its Utility"
Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-2 , February 2021,
internationaljournalofscience, openaccessjournalofscience, ugcapprovedjournalsforscience
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