Environmental Awareness Reflected in the Yājñavalkya Saṁhitā - International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development

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Monday, 15 February 2021

Environmental Awareness Reflected in the Yājñavalkya Saṁhitā

A new branch of ethics named Environmental Ethics’ has emerged recently, but a search of ancient Indian literature reveals that environmental awareness was widespread in ancient Indian human society and that people at the time thought about it. However, due to the low level of environmental pollution at that time no sm tisastrakaras has expressed any thought about the environment like the thinkers in the modern environment, but it cannot be said that ancient India was not aware of the protection of the natural environment at all because ancient India thought of environment in its own way. The name of Yajñavalkya Sa hita is especially significant as Sm tishastra. Like Manu, Yajñavalkya is also known as a philosopher and spiritual guru. Although the various social and state provisions are the subjects of discussion in the Yajñavalkya Sa hita. The statements he makes about the environment in the context of the various social issues are not insignificant. In this article, I want to draw the attention about the reflection of all these thoughts in Maharshis discussion. 

by Kousik De "Environmental Awareness Reflected in the Yājñavalkya Saṁhitā" 

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-2 , February 2021, 

URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd38469.pdf 

Paper Url: https://www.ijtsrd.com/humanities-and-the-arts/philosophy/38469/environmental-awareness-reflected-in-the- Yājñavalkya Saṁhitā/kousik-de

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