An Assessment of Intrusion Detection System IDS and Data Set Overview A Comprehensive Review of Recent Works - International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development

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Thursday, 18 February 2021

An Assessment of Intrusion Detection System IDS and Data Set Overview A Comprehensive Review of Recent Works

Millions of people worldwide have Internet access today. Intrusion detection technology is a modern wave of information technology monitoring devices to deter malicious activities. Malware development malicious software is a vital problem when it comes to designing intrusion detection systems IDS . The key challenge is to recognize unknown and hidden malware, because malware writers use various evasion techniques to mask information to avoid IDS detection. Malicious attacks have become more sophisticated and Furthermore, threats to security have increased, including a zero day attack on internet users. Through the use of IT in our daily lives, computer security has become critical. Cyber threats are becoming more complex and pose growing challenges when it comes to successful intrusion detection. Failure to prevent invading information, such as data privacy, integrity and availability can undermine the credibility of security services. Specific intrusion detection approaches were proposed in the literature to combat computer security threats. This paper consists of a literature survey of the IDS that uses program algorithms to use specific data collection and forensic techniques in real time. Data mining techniques for cyber research are introduced in support of intrusion detection. 

by Mohammed I. Alghamdi "An Assessment of Intrusion Detection System (IDS) and Data-Set Overview: A Comprehensive Review of Recent Works" 

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-2 , February 2021, 


Paper Url:

callforpaperbiologicalscience, biologicalsciencejournal

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