INTRODUCTION Poor control of trunk postural muscles and sensory disturbance is the key feature of children with cerebral palsy. These impairments affect the activities of daily living. It has been hypothesized that arm movement through sensory based game enhance proprioceptive and vestibular integration, resulting in improvement of spatial awareness, co contraction, postural stability and anticipatory motor or postural control.OBJECTIVE To enhance postural control following arm movement through sensory based game.DESIGN Pre test post test experimental designSETTING Occupational Therapy department, Swami Vivekanand National Institute of Rehabilitation Training and Research, Olatpur, Odisha, 754010PARTICIPANTS 30 children with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy randomly allocated into two groups each with 15 subjects in experimental group mean age=4.9 years and control group mean age=5.36 years . Baselines were collected for all subjects by using GMFCS, GMFM 88 and TCMS.INTERVENTION Subjects of both the group were provided therapy sessions for 45 minutes per day, 5 days in a week for 6 weeks. Both groups had received convensional occupational therapy for 45 minutes. The experimental group had received conventional occupational therapy for 15 minutes and sensory based game for 30 minutes. Sensory based game includes 5 games. They were intermittently structured according to sensory requirements. Post test measurement were assessed after 6 weeks.OUTCOME MEASURE TCMS,88GMFM,88 GMFCSRESULT From the statistical result of this study, it is seen that the subjects with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy improved in their GMFM and TCMS score on both the groups. However, the subjects in the experimental group have shown better effect than control group.CONCLUSION It can be concluded that conventional occupational therapy can include sensory based game which enhance active participation of children and ultimately increase motor control leads to postural control.
by Abhirupa Chakraborty | Mrs. Anurupa Senapati "A Study to Find Out the Effect of Arm Movement through Sensory Based Game on Improving Postural Control in Spastic Diplegic Cerebral Palsy"
Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-1 , December 2020,
ugcapprovedjournalswithlowpublicationfees, conferenceissuepublication
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