Schools are still closed due to Covid19. Even at such a time, the Department of Education of Gujarat is making sense of the saying School is closed, not education through home learning and the contribution of teachers has been continuous. At that time, the research was conducted to find out the effect of Corona virus on the psychological well being of teachers and their lifestyle. Navsari District during the Corona period of the year 2020 to know about the methods of teaching teachers due to Covid19, physical health, mental health, working from home, emotional matters, health and safety, psychological impact on teachers and improving the well being of teachers. Percentage of feedback received from self composed feedback from about 508 primary school teachers and analyzed and interpreted by Kai class. During the time of Covid 19, various methods and means were used by teachers to teach. During Covid 19, teachers practiced exercise, yoga, and meditation to maintain physical health, as well as a healthy diet and adequate sleep, developed hobbies such as reading, drawing, music, cooking, and webinars of inspiring speakers Watching. Teachers felt comfortable and free to work from home as well as upgraded new skills through online courses. Teachers were emotionally collaborating with friends and relatives through social media. As a precautionary measure for health and safety the health bridge application guidelines were followed and the Covid 19 guideline was followed. Psychological effects such as anxiety, depression, drowsiness, loneliness afflict teachers. Efforts were made to improve the well being of a balanced diet, adequate sleep, family and social support, positive attitudes, interests, hobbies and skill development.
by Dr. Shishir Govindbhai Tandel "Impact of Covid19 on Teachers' Lifestyle"
Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-1 , December 2020,
callforpaperpapersinjournals, specialissuepublication, multidisciplinaryjournal
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