Heat Transfer Characteristics of a Different Shaped Dimpled Protrusioned Pin Fin Wedge Duct for Turbine Blade using CFD - International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development

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Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Heat Transfer Characteristics of a Different Shaped Dimpled Protrusioned Pin Fin Wedge Duct for Turbine Blade using CFD

The tip of the turbine blade is exposed to gas at high temperatures and speeds. Cooling in this region has a significant impact on the safety of the turbine blade. Generally, internal convective cooling and external film cooling are simultaneously used for cooling in the blade tip region. For some turbine blades, only an internal cooling channel is used so that the cooling of the blade tip is completely dependent on internal convective cooling. In recent years, in the tip region of the turbine blade, multiple augmentation devices such as fins, ribs, pins, and dimples protrusions have gained a lot of attention to enhance heat transfer. Many computational simulations have been conducted in the meantime. The cooling performance of the blade inner tip area should be further investigated on the basis of analysis, especially when organised with a heat transfer enhancement structure. A very few studies have focused on the flow structure and heat transfer in a pin fin wedge duct with dimples protrusions. A wedge duct is explored by a numerical process in this present work, with the result of various dimples or protrusion shapes placed on the heated end wall surface. The model of a wedge duct on Workbench of ANSYS 17.0 Program, with different shapes of dimples or protrusions for turbine blade. It is observed that the Pin fin dimple wedge duct with trapezoidal dimples or protrusions form produces stronger heat transfer enhancement due to flow acceleration, increase in the region of impingement and shrinkage in the dimple of the flow recirculation field. 

BY Braznev | Prof. Animesh Singhai "Heat Transfer Characteristics of a Different Shaped Dimpled/Protrusioned Pin Fin Wedge Duct for Turbine Blade using CFD" 

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-1 , December 2020, 

URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd35856.pdf

Paper URL : https://www.ijtsrd.com/engineering/mechanical-engineering/35856/heat-transfer-characteristics-of-a-different-shaped-dimpledprotrusioned-pin-fin-wedge-duct-for-turbine-blade-using-cfd/braznev

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