The Effect and Significance of Vitamin D on the Course and Effects of Pregnancy - International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development

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Thursday, 22 October 2020

The Effect and Significance of Vitamin D on the Course and Effects of Pregnancy

Background. The high prevalence and negative effects of vitamin D deficiency is a problem for a wide range of specialists worldwide. Pregnant and lactating women are at risk for vitamin D deficiency, as evidenced by the results of many epidemiological studies. Vitamin D plays an important role in providing the mother placenta fetus system, including implantation, placenta formation, embryogenesis, intra and postnatal periods. Vitamin D deficiency leads to placental insufficiency, low birth weight, gestational diabetes, premature birth, preeclampsia, and an increase in the inflammatory response.The purpose of the study an analytical review of the role and importance of vitamin D during pregnancy in modern scientific literature.Materials and methods. An analysis of 18 foreign literary sources on this topic was carried outConclusion. Vitamin D plays an important role in the system of pregnant women, the placenta and the fetus, especially during implantation, placenta formation, embryogenesis, intra and postnatal period. According to the literature review Low level 25 ON D has an adverse effect on the course of pregnancy, outcome, fetal development, and infant health. Eliminating vitamin D deficiency has a positive effect on pregnancy outcomes and babys health, i.e. serious complications during pregnancy preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, placental insufficiency, chronic infection and other diseases are significantly reduced. 

Isroilova Guljannat Pardabaevna | Azimova Komila Islomovna | Juraeva Gulnora Ergashevna "The Effect and Significance of Vitamin D on the Course and Effects of Pregnancy" 

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Special Issue | Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia , October 2020, 


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internationaljournalofscience, openaccessjournalofscience, ugcapprovedjournalsforscience 

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