The history of Assamese musical literature is very ancient. The initial form of Assamese musical literature is hiding in the Biyanaam, Bihugeet, Nisukonigeet which were written in the oral era. Gradually by the written culture, the Assamese musical literature able to grow. From the Borgeet of Mahapurush Sri Manta Shankadeva and Sri SriMadhabdeva and passing through Jonaki, Uttar Junaki, Assamese musical literature reached in this position. In this long journey, various lyricists made the immense up gradation of the Assamese music industry by composing numerous songs. In this golden journey of musical literature, NirmalprabhaBordoloi made an own introduction by composing numerous songs. Her feeling and language of the song make the mind of Assamese pleasant. In our discussable research work, we try to express the condition of women’s heart in the song of Bordoloiespecially the pathetic picture of happiness and sorrow which are produced in women’s heart by her song.
by Chucungfa Borgohain | Dalimi Pathak "Picture of Women's Heart in Nirmalprabha Bordoloi’s Songs"
Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-6 , October 2020,
Paper Url:’s-songs/chucungfa-borgohain
ugcapprovedjournalswithlowpublicationfees, conferenceissuepublication
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