Pandemic Corona Virues Diseases 19 Covid 19 currently disrupts almost most aspects of life in the world, including in government services. This has resulted in institutions making many changes in service in order to be able to move their customers and change them online. The State Treasury and Budget System SPAN is a system that has been implemented for several years in online financial services. Although the Covid 19 online pandemic system has also been implemented, it also affects the services provided, so it needs analysis of customer satisfaction in its use. This study aims to analyze aspects of customer satisfaction in SPAN services at KPPN Tebing Tinggi during the pandemic period. This research uses survey method with descriptive approach. The sample of this study were employees in the work unit in the Tebing Tinggi KPPN working area, which amounted to 62 respondents. Data analysis uses the Customer Satisfaction Index CSI method to determine the level of customer satisfaction and the Importance Performance Analysis IPA method to identify the level of importance of each service attribute as well as the priority of improvements that must be carried out by the KPPN. Based on the results of the study note the level of customer satisfaction with SPAN services based on CSI is 83.94 . Based on the IPA method there are two aspects of SPAN services that must be improved, namely payment and acceptance. Based on aspects of payment quality of service that must be improved is reliability, while the aspect of acceptance of service quality that must be improved is Responsiveness and Tangibility. The KPPN should set the Operational Standards Procedures back to adjust to the development of existing services in particular, adjustments to problems that cannot be intervened such as the Covid 19 pandemic.
by Jus Samuel Sihotang "Analysis of Satisfaction of Work Units in Service State Budget and Budget System (SPAN) in the Covid-19 Pandemic Period at the State Vocational Service Office (KPPN) Tebing Tinggi City"
Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-5 , August 2020,
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internationaljournalofscience, openaccessjournalofscience, ugcapprovedjournalsforscience
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