Students' Interest in Entrepreneurial Education A Correlate of Home, School and Learners' Factors in Akinyele Local Government, Oyo State, Nigeria - International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development

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Saturday, 2 May 2020

Students' Interest in Entrepreneurial Education A Correlate of Home, School and Learners' Factors in Akinyele Local Government, Oyo State, Nigeria

Entrepreneurial education EE is one of the fastest growing fields of education globally, yet the areas of "what" should be taught in these programs and "how" to teach them have been mentioned by many researchers as ones that lack both consensus and devoted attention. The purpose for this research work is to provide a detailed influence of teachers, parents and students interest in the study of entrepreneurial education. This research uses a systematic literature review to help review the literature in a transparent and unbiased way. The method used for this research is the quantitative research method. Questionnaires served as the major technique for data collection, which were further analyzed using the descriptive survey research design into SPSS. Findings from this research show that students have interest and the desire to become self reliant after graduation, which may be so because their parents are self reliant. Unfortunately, teachers who teach entrepreneurial subjects are not specially trained to do so, neither are they entrepreneurs. Worst still, schools do not make provisions for students to practically learn new skills, as such, the training which students receive is not enough for them to become self reliant after graduation. Both students, parents and schools must, therefore, play their different roles as identified by this research to inculcate in the students, problem solving skill and self reliance. 

BY Abetang, Mary Achenushure | Abetang, Esther Akpochenere "Students' Interest in Entrepreneurial Education: A Correlate of Home, School and Learners' Factors in Akinyele Local Government, Oyo State, Nigeria"

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-4 , June 2020,


Paper Url :

callforpaperbiologicalscience, biologicalsciencejournal

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