Base Isolation Retrofitting Design for the Existing 9 Story Large Panel Apartment Building - International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development

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Thursday, 7 May 2020

Base Isolation Retrofitting Design for the Existing 9 Story Large Panel Apartment Building

In Armenia seismic isolation of existing buildings is becoming a more common method of providing protection from earthquake damage. Thanks to the works of the author of this paper in nowadays Armenia is well known as a country where seismic base and roof isolation systems are widely implemented in construction of new and retrofitting of existing buildings. The number of seismically isolated buildings per capita in Armenia is one of the highest in the world - second after Japan. The paper given below emphasizes that Armenia achieved significant results also in local manufacturing testing of seismic isolation laminated rubber steel bearings SILRSBs . Several re markable projects on retrofitting by base isolation of the existing buildings like apartment, school, hotel and hospital buildings are briefly mentioned in the paper to demonstrate the retrofitting experi ence accumulated in Armenia. Based on the gained experience further developments take place and unique base isolation structural concepts and technologies created by the author are applied more and more to the existing buildings. In this paper base isolation retrofitting design and analysis by the Ar menian Seismic Code for the 9 story large panel apartment building is described. This will be a first application of base isolation retrofitting technology to a building the bearing system of which con sists of reinforced concrete large panels. It is stated that suggested seismic isolation strategy is reduc ing the cost of retrofitting of the given existing building about 5 times in comparison with the cost of conventional strengthening. The other important factor is that applied structural concept allows retro fitting without interruption of the use of considered building. 

by Mikayel G. Melkumyan ""Base Isolation Retrofitting Design for the Existing 9-Story Large-Panel Apartment Building""

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-4 , June 2020,


Paper Url :

callforpaperpapersinjournals, multidisciplinaryjournal

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