The purpose of the project is to research about Content and Collaborative based movie recommendation engines. Nowadays recommender systems are used in our day to day life. We try to understand the distinct types of reference engines systems and compare their work on the movies datasets. We start to produce a versatile model to complete this study and start by developing and relating the different kinds of prototypes on a minor dataset of 100,000 evaluations. The growth of e commerce has given rise to recommendation engines. Several recommendation engines exist within the market to recommend a wide variety of goods to users. These recommendations support various aspects such as users interests, users history, users locations, and more. Away from all the above aspects one thing is common which is individuality. Content and collaborative based movie recommendation engines recommend users based on the users viewpoint, whereas many things are there within the marketplace that are related to which a user is uninformed of. This stuff should also be suggested by the engine to clients But due to the range of individuality , these machines do not suggest things that are out of the crate. The Hybrid System of Movie Recommendation Engine has crossed this variety of individuality. The Movie Recommendation Engine will suggest movies to clients according to their interest and be evaluated by other clients who are almost user like. Additionally, for this, there are web services that are capable of acting as a tool adornment.
by Rajeev Kumar | Guru Basava | Felicita Furtado ""An Efficient Content, Collaborative – Based and Hybrid Approach for Movie Recommendation Engine""
Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-3 , April 2020,
Paper Url :
internationaljournalofscience, openaccessjournalofscience, ugcapprovedjournalsforscience
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