The rapid increase in population, rising burden of noncommunicable chronic diseases such as diabetes and obesity , care costs skyrocketing, and the global shortage of doctors, nurses, and technicians are leading to an increasing demand for resources to support healthcare. These global challenges will seriously affect the healthcare delivery is the US and around the world. The current technological advancements are leading to the emergence of the so called Health 4.0 revolution. Healthcare 4.0 has the potential to enable new healthcare related processes such as home care and personalized treatments and transform them into services. This paper provides an introduction to the emerging area of Healthcare 4.0 and identify its opportunities, benefits, and challenges.
Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-2 , February 2020,
Paper Url :
openaccessjournalofengineering, engineeringjournal, paperpublicationforengineering
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