The work was examined in order to analyze citizenship, as a human right, the legal link between Human Rights and Citizenship was investigated, considering from the legal point of view, citizenship as a political right The human right, such as the free development of the human being, in which people can develop their potential and have a productive life according to their needs and interests, the research was bibliographic, documentary, since the different documents were used , different instruments were selected and analyzed. The results obtained, referring to citizenship as a human right, as a set of essential prerogatives of every man, considered individually or collectively, by the mere fact of belonging to the human species, which must enjoy, to achieve its full development and have a dignified life and that, consequently, the State is obliged to recognize, protect, guarantee and as a political right is embodied in the various international documents among them, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, second article, which establishes that all citizens may, without distinction, participate in public affairs, vote and be elected to the elections in their country. X³
by chitl Bustillos-Varela | J. Emilio Mândez-Gonz¡lez | Javier Armando Varela-Lazo "Citizenship, Human Right for Social Development"
Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-1 , December 2019,
Paper URL:
call for paper physics, ugc approved journals in commerce, physics journal
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