Effect of Copper Slag on Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete and Conventional Concrete - International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development

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Sunday, 20 October 2019

Effect of Copper Slag on Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete and Conventional Concrete

Because of Rapid growth of technology and population in India, there is a huge demand for construction material mostly for natural sand, of late excessive consumption of sand caused ecological economical imbalance. To overcome these effects large modifications are being carried out in construction industry, i.e. usage of by products as a replacement of fine aggregate. In the present study COPPER SLAG which is a byproduct obtained during production of copper by smelting is used as a replacement of F.A. And also to increase the mechanical properties of concrete different types of fibers are added to the concrete mix. The HOOKED END STEEL FIBRES are added to the concrete to improve the mechanical properties. As several researchers has introduced Steel fiber reinforced concrete SFRC for its inherent superiority over normal plain and reinforced concrete for its higher flexural strength, better tensile strength and modulus of rupture, better ductility and fatigue resistance, crack resistance. This comparative study is carried out on strength properties between SFRC and conventional concrete due to replacement of F.A with copper slag. An experimental investigation was carried out to evaluate the mechanical properties of Steel fiber reinforced concrete by replacement of sand F.A with copper slag for different grades M30, M40 . Tests are conducted with 1 addition of hooked end steel fibers having aspect ratio 60 and replacement of copper slag by 0 , 10 ....with an interval of 10 where optimum strength is attained at 50 ,40 . 

by Shaik Ashraffur Rahaman | K. Srinivas "Effect of Copper Slag on Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete and Conventional Concrete"

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-6 , October 2019,

URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd28038.pdf

Paper URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/engineering/civil-engineering/28038/effect-of-copper-slag-on-steel-fiber-reinforced-concrete-and-conventional-concrete/shaik-ashraffur-rahaman

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