This paper is aimed to implement Classification of Language Speech Recognition System by using feature extraction and classification. It is an Automatic language Speech Recognition system. This system is a software architecture which outputs digits from the input speech signals. The system is emphasized on Speaker Dependent Isolated Word Recognition System. To implement this system, a good quality microphone is required to record the speech signals. This system contains two main modules feature extraction and feature matching. Feature extraction is the process of extracting a small amount of data from the voice signal that can later be used to represent each speech signal. Feature matching involves the actual procedure to identify the unknown speech signal by comparing extracted features from the voice input of a set of known speech signals and the decision making process. In this system, the Mel frequency Cepstrum Coefficient MFCC is used for feature extraction and Vector Quantization VQ which uses the LBG algorithm is used for feature matching.
by Khin May Yee | Moh Moh Khaing | Thu Zar Aung ""Classification of Language Speech Recognition System""
Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-5 , August 2019,
Paper URL:
chemistry journal, high impact factor, call for paper management
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