A Study on Google is an Artificial Encyclopedia Affecting Human Intelligence - An Empirical Study - International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development

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Thursday 8 August 2019

A Study on Google is an Artificial Encyclopedia Affecting Human Intelligence - An Empirical Study

Google is opening this platform to the world, which gives us an equal opportunity to peek in and see how the company thinks about developing machine learning systems. Internally, Google has spent the last five years building a massive platform for artificial intelligence and now they're unleashing it on the world. Although Google would prefer you call it machine intelligence they feel that the word artificial intelligence carries too many connotations and fundamentally they're trying to create genuine intelligence just in machine. The internet makes things faster, but faster is not always necessarily. Better we don't want to sacrifice our critical thinking and uniqueness for the attainment of a modest amount of additional productivity our cognitive thinking is one of our greatest possessions and we should take this extra time to preserve it. 

by Prof. Rekha D. M | Sandhya G N ""A Study on Google is an Artificial Encyclopedia Affecting Human Intelligence  An Empirical Study""

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-5 , August 2019,

URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd27923.pdf

Paper URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/humanities-and-the-arts/education/27923/a-study-on-google-is-an-artificial-encyclopedia-affecting-human-intelligence-%E2%80%93-an-empirical-study/prof-rekha-d-m

pharmacy journal, open access journal of engineering, research publication

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