Study on Solid Waste Management System and Design of Sanitary Landfill for Monywa Township - International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development

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Thursday, 18 July 2019

Study on Solid Waste Management System and Design of Sanitary Landfill for Monywa Township

The description of this paper is ""Study on Solid Waste Management System and Design of Sanitary Landfill for Monywa Township"". It has mainly contained two portions. First, analysis of solid waste composition and disposal system for seven quarters for downtown area of Monywa city performed. In the analysis of solid waste composition, demographic study and haul route study are carrying out for the collection of sample from each quarter. Household refuse is considered only in this paper. Second, the sanitary landfill for downtown areas of Monywa city is designed. For disposal of municipal solid waste from Monywa, area method is used for landfilling of MSW. And then, the required landfill area and useful life of disposal site are estimated. 

by Moh Moh | San San Myint ""Study on Solid Waste Management System and Design of Sanitary Landfill for Monywa Township""

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-5 , August 2019,


Paper URL:

call for paper arts, ugc approved journals for social science, commerce journal

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