The Healthcare exchange generally clinical diagnosis is ended commonly by doctor's knowledge and practice. Computer Aided Decision Support System plays a major task in the medical field. Data mining provides the methodology and technology to modify these rises of data into valuable data for decision making. By utilizing data mining techniques it requires less time for the prediction of the diseases with more accuracy. Among the expanding research on coronary diseases predicting system, it has happened significant to classifications the exploration results and gives readers with a layout of the current coronary diseases forecast strategies in every discussion. Data mining tools can respond to exchange addresses that expectedly being used much time over riding to decide. In this paper we study different papers in which at least one algorithm of data mining used for the prediction of coronary diseases. As of the study it is observed that Naïve Bayes Technique increase the accuracy of the coronary diseases prediction system. The commonly used techniques for Heart Disease Prediction and their complexities are outlined in this paper.
by D. Haripriya | Dr. M. Lovelin Ponn Felciah ""Prognosis of Cardiac Disease using Data Mining Techniques: A Comprehensive Survey""
Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-5 , August 2019,
Paper URL:
economics journal, best international journal
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