The study of water sources used by the population of Ndian for drinking with the exception of the Ekondo Titi beach was carried out by investigating 51 water sources. Due to the lack of pipe borne water in this area, the population is compelled to consume water from unprotected shallow aquifers and surface water sources, there by exposing the population to infections form of water borne diseases. In this perspective, the present study was aimed to check the suitability of these water sources for drinking. The bacteriological quality of the water sources was performed using the Most Probable Number MPN technique. Temperature, pH, electrical conductivity EC and total dissolved solids TDS were also determined. The pH values reflect slightly acidic, neutral and basic water sources. Sixty percent 60 of the ground water samples where slightly acidic 5.5 6.4 and out of the WHO 2011 guideline limit 6.5 8.5 for drinking water. This situation puts the inhabitants at risk to stomach ulcer. The electrical conductivity values 3.00 274 us cm for groundwater sources represents water experiencing slight mineralization. Based on the total coliform bacteria, 96 of water sources were polluted to grossly polluted 75 2400 MPN 100 ml and 4 excellent following the acceptable maximum limits prescribed by the World Health Organization Standards which exposes the population to water borne diseases such as typhoid, cholera and dysentery. The bacteria contamination of the water sources may result from the waste of pit toilets that intersect the water tables of shallow unconfined aquifers and also from poor sanitation practices carried out along stream channels and springs. Proper water treatment at household levels is highly recommended.
by Engome R. Wotany | Samuel N. Ayonghe | Mengnjo J. Wirmvem | Wilson Y. Fantong ""Physico-Chemical and Bacteriological Quality of Water Sources in the Coast of Ndian, South West Region, Cameroon: Health Implications""
Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-5 , August 2019,
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