The effect of Balanites aegyptiaca, Faidherbia albida, and Tamarindus indica in nutrient enrichment of semi arid soil and their influence on growth and yield of potted maize was investigated in university of Maiduguri campus with the objectives of evaluating the impact of the tree species on soil fertility and the distance at which the trees could supply nutrients to the soil. An experiment was conducted to test the influence of the trees on potted maize growth and yield. A total of 63 soil samples were collected before and after rainy season at varying distances of 30 cm, 60 cm, and 90 cm and at a depth of 15 cm. The first set of twenty seven samples were collected in May 2014 before rainy season and were compared with soil after rainy season. The second set of 36 samples were collected under and outside tree canopies in October 2014 after rainy season. The collected samples were analysed for pH, N, EC, P, K, Na, Ca, Mg, and CEC following standard laboratory techniques. Potted maize experiment was conducted in completely randomized block design for eighteen weeks. The result showed that organic matter, nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium was significant at p 0.05 at all distances before and after rainy season. Soil pH were found to be significant across the distance and are mainly neutral both before and after rainy season. The soil textural class were also significant at p 0.01 between species and across the distances. Soil under and outside canopy showed that F.albida had the highest value of nitrogen 0.31g kg and lower value of 0.15g kg with control treatment at distance of 30 cm. At distance 0f 60 cm F.albida had the higher value of N 0.32g kg and lower value 0.16g kg with control treatment. Phosphorus was significantly higher under B.aegyptiaca 14.5g kg at distance of 30cm, lower value of 3.73g kg under T.indica. At distance of 60 cm T. Indica had the higher value of P 6.30g kg, lower value 4.39g kg with control treatment. F.albida had the higher value of potassium 5.09cmol kg, lower value 0.68cmol kg with control treatment at distance of 30 cm.T.indica had higher value of 2.34cmol kg, lower value 0.60cmol kg under control treatment at distance of 60 cm and B.aegyptiaca had 0.52cmol kg, lower under T.indica 0.38cmol kg at 90 cm distance. Calcium were significant at p 0.01 across the distances and between species. Maize crop grown in soil under F.albida had higher grain yield of 161.2g and control treatment had lower value of 19.97g. Maize crop grown in soil under F. albida and T.indica had better growth and yield. The result suggest that F.albida and T.indica are important agroforestry resource to sustain soil fertility and subsequently crop yield. F.lbida and T. indica could be the best choice to integrate into farming system in semi arid zone.
by Hajara Ibrahim Mustapha | Ali Abba Gana Benisheikh ""Effect of Some Tree Species in Nutrient Enrichment of Semi-Arid Soil and Their Influence on Growth and Yield of Potted Maize in Borno State, Nigeria""
Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-5 , August 2019,
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peer reviewed international journal, call for paper economics, ugc approved journals for chemistry
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