Evaluation of Anthocyanin in Amaranthus Gangeticus L. Nurawsuraw Leaf Extract as Hair Colorant - International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development

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Tuesday 28 May 2019

Evaluation of Anthocyanin in Amaranthus Gangeticus L. Nurawsuraw Leaf Extract as Hair Colorant

This study was conducted to Evaluate Anthocyanin in Amaranthus gangeticus Nurawsuraw leaf extract as hair colorant. Spectrophotometric analysis screening was done to measure the absorbance of anthocyanin and the amount of light that passes through a sample solution at different wavelengths in percentage solutions.Spectrophotometric analysis showed that the detected highest absorption of anthocyanin was indicated by the highest peak in less percentage solutions at maximum wavelength from which anthocyanin absorption can be found, while the lowest peak in higher percentage solutions was at the minimum wavelength with least absorbance.The hair colorant effect of the Amaranthus gangeticus Nurawsuraw leaf extract being mixed with the developer was viewed on the microscope and was observed by a desired coloration occurred on hair sample, which appeared to be red in color. In comparison to the hair colorant effect of the commercial hair color, it produces thick violet coloration to hair strand. Therefore, it is concluded that Amaranthus gangeticus Nurawsuraw could be used as natural hair colorant. 

By Chaneen Meg C. Busa | Melinda C. Getalado "Evaluation of Anthocyanin in Amaranthus Gangeticus L. (Nurawsuraw) Leaf Extract as Hair Colorant"

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-4 , June 2019,

URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd25179.pdf

Paper URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/engineering/agricultural-engineering/25179/evaluation-of-anthocyanin-in-amaranthus-gangeticus-l-nurawsuraw-leaf-extract-as-hair-colorant/chaneen-meg-c-busa

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