Bridging Academic - Industries Skills Gap A Case Study MCA Institutes in Mumbai - International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development

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Tuesday 28 May 2019

Bridging Academic - Industries Skills Gap A Case Study MCA Institutes in Mumbai

Humans are the best version among all the creatures and what make them best is the education. No other creatures could get the education and more humans also seem like same other creatures because the differentiate factor ˜education' lost his true meaning in the academic world. As no one follows their own true self. Here we try to lighting a lamp to alight the darker side of student's life during as well as after complication of MCA Master In Computer Application . The purpose of this Paper is to present various principles of good practices in education. It also presents the learning gap between a teacher and the student and techniques to reduce the gap. It also elaborates the various Competency requirements for the Graduate students. 

By Deepak Shinde | Akshay Shishupal | Prof. Desai "Bridging Academic “ Industries Skills Gap: A Case Study MCA Institutes in Mumbai"

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-4 , June 2019,


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economics journalbiological science journalmathematics journal

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