The Predictive Validity of Mock GCE Advanced Level Biology Scores on GCE Advanced Level Biology Scores A Case Study of Science High Schools in Fako Division- Buea, Cameroon - International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development

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Monday, 5 November 2018

The Predictive Validity of Mock GCE Advanced Level Biology Scores on GCE Advanced Level Biology Scores A Case Study of Science High Schools in Fako Division- Buea, Cameroon

This study set out to determine the predictive validity of Mock GCE Advanced Level Biology Scores on G.C.E Advanced Level Biology Scores that is, to ascertain whether students who pass in Mock G.C.E also pass in GCE. The target population was the Upper Sixth Science Students in High Schools in Fako Division in the year 2006. The sample of the study was 200 students 92 males and 108 females who were selected from four Government schools, four Mission schools and two Lay private schools. These schools were mixed sex schools, singles sex schools, boarding schools and day schools. Four hypotheses and four research questions were formulated to guide the research. 

The hypotheses were 
1 There is no correlation between students' score in Mock G.C.E Advanced Level Biology and their scores in G.C.E Advanced Level Biology. That is students who pass in mock G.C.E Advanced Level Biology do not pass in GCE Advanced Level Biology. 

2 There is no predictive validity in the correlation of students' scores in mock G.C.E advanced level biology and their scores in G.C.E advanced level biology in Mission, Government and Lay Private schools. 

3 There is no predictive validity in the correlation of students' scores in mock G.C.E Advanced Level Biology and their scores in G.C.E Advanced Level Biology in single and mixed sex schools. 

4 There is no predictive validity in the correlation of students' scores in mock G.C.E Advanced Level Biology and their scores in G.C.E Advanced Level Biology in boarding and day schools. 

Employing the correlation survey design, scores for mock G.C.E examination were collected from records in the schools and scores for G.C.E examination were collected from the G.C.E Board. Using Mean, Standard Deviation and Pearson Product Moment Correlation coefficientr, the data were analysed using the SPSS programme. The four null hypotheses were rejected and the alternate ones retained. They indicated that, there is a correlation between mock G.C.E Advanced Level Biology scores and G.C.E Advanced Level Biology scores and that r-values vary from one type of school to another. Some suggestions and recommendations were made. 

by Ekwale Emilia Ada "The Predictive Validity of Mock GCE Advanced Level Biology Scores on GCE Advanced Level Biology Scores: A Case Study of Science High Schools in Fako Division- Buea, Cameroon" 

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-1, December 2018, 


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