Critical Analysis of Wheat Bran as Therapeutic Source - International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development

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Tuesday, 16 April 2019

Critical Analysis of Wheat Bran as Therapeutic Source

Increasing population now a days is one of the most crucial phases of upcoming future troubles. Food wastage along with the nutritional expenditure should not be entertained. Several milling by products of crops viz., wheat bran, are principle pool of nutrients. It is very much essential to study and gain knowledge about the nutrients, anti oxidants, anti nutritional components and their effect upon diseased condition along with the probability of production of edible food stuffs for human. Though there is enough production of wheat bran, most of the amount is either wasted or used as livestock fed. It has been shown that bran part has potential efficiency to be used as therapeutic tool for various diseases such as, cancer, obesity and diabetes, bowel irritation etc. Its role as a prebiotic might also prove an asset to remarkably influence gut microflora. Its anti nutritional content is also lower than the rice bran and that is also manageable for the further use as food stuff. The physicochemical properties along with its nutrient as well as anti nutrient contents must be utilized and regulated as requirement to combat malnourishment besides hunger issues and therapies. 

by Manali Chakraborty | Dr Savita Budhwar "Critical Analysis of Wheat Bran as Therapeutic Source"

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-3, April 2019, 


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